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Overwatch Lore Overview: Soldier 76!

Lore Overview is a new idea I've been thinking about doing for a while now. I wanted a way to improve my writing skills and an outlet for me to discuss my love of video games. The goal of these blogs is to inform you on the backstory of some of my favorite characters, and hopefully give some insight on to why these characters are who they are. Let's get started!

Morrison with the original Overwatch
Morrison with the original Overwatch

The Rise of Overwatch

Around 30 years ago in the world of Overwatch, the Omnic Crisis brought the human race to it's knees. This event warrants it's own entry in the series, but for now i'll put it simply: Sentient robots attacked all humans for reasons unknown by using our own technology against us. To combat these robots (known as Omnics), the United Nations established Overwatch; a global protection force who belonged to no single nation. Gabriel Reyes (now known as Reaper) was the chosen leader of this organization, but Jack Morrison was the one Overwatch members most respected. Both products of a super-soldier program, Reyes and Morrison were already very close friends, and together led the human race against the Omnics.

The "Death" of Jack Morrison

After the Crisis, Jack became the first ever Commander of Overwatch. As you might think, this caused a rift between Reyes and Morrison, and the two would never recover from it. However, Overwatch became a prominent organization, people respected them, even referred to them as their heroes. Morrison was now a global celebrity, but still remained grounded and focused on his mission to make the world a better place. Several years after the Omnic Crisis and the rise of Overwatch, the group was shaken by allegations (of what, we do not know) and became media punching bags. They blamed Overwatch for anything and everything they could, and public opinion of the "heroes" rapidly fell. During this time the rift between Reyes and Morrison grew even larger, and eventually erupted into physical fight between the two men at Overwatch's Swiss headquarters. At some point during this fight, the two men caused an explosion that destroyed the complex, and the two men were presumed Deceased, and Overwatch was shut down.

"You're one of those heroes, aren't you?"

Soldier: 76

Both men actually survived the explosion, and quickly went into hiding. 5 years after the fall of Overwatch Morrison, now donning the name "Soldier: 76" carried out a series of raids on shadowy corporations, corrupt banks, and former Overwatch facilities. He stole advanced weaponry, like his pulse rifle and visor during these raids, and only used lethal force on people he deemed "evil". He became an international criminal, wanted by many governments and corporations for his crimes against them. However, he manages to stay hidden by always being on the move, always traveling to new places on his new mission. Soldier: 76 now aims to expose the truth on the fall of Overwatch, and bring those responsible to justice...or their graves if necessary.

Thanks for reading! If you have any comments or criticism, please let me know! I enjoyed writing this and look forward to doing many more Lore Overviews!