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Why all the hate? Can't we all just get along?

Why do we waste our time trying to figure out which platform is better?

In the end, as it always does, this will always come down to what each person enjoys the most. I own a PC, Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3. I absolutely LOVE my master gaming rig for all kinds of games from Call of Duty to Resident Evil 5 to Need for Speed Most Wanted to Batman: Arkham Asylum. For FPS's I use the KB&M and for racing and third-person shooters I use the 360 controller.

That being said, I absolutely LOVE my consoles and LOVE playing Gears of War 2 or Forza 3 (I own GoW PC and LOVE that) and LOVE playing some LittleBigPlanet or inFAMOUS or Killzone 3 and LOVE playing Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition or Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2.

Bottom line, I LOVE GAMES, no matter the platform. Do I prefer one over the other? Well if you were to look at the quantity of my catalog, you would gleen that I am a PC gamer. But that's not the point. I love playing Alan Wake just as much as I love playing Warhawk just as much as I love playing Wii Sports Resort just as much as I love playing Metro 2033 on PC and seeing FramesPerSecond euphoria.

Why all the hate???????