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VO:OT Out for XBLA

Downloaded it, purchased it, and am playing the hell out of it, it's Cyber Troopers Virtual On: Oratario Tangram! I have just a few words to say about this...

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If you're facing Raiden online, make sure to jump or dash the second the match starts. Otherwise, you're probably going to take a nice sandwich full of lasery fail to the face. If you're playing a weaker character (Cypher is a good example), it can almost (and sometimes does) one-shot you.

Great work on the twin stick scheme too Sega, now bring me some Jet Grind Radio to XBLA!


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Edited By RogueA

Downloaded it, purchased it, and am playing the hell out of it, it's Cyber Troopers Virtual On: Oratario Tangram! I have just a few words to say about this...

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If you're facing Raiden online, make sure to jump or dash the second the match starts. Otherwise, you're probably going to take a nice sandwich full of lasery fail to the face. If you're playing a weaker character (Cypher is a good example), it can almost (and sometimes does) one-shot you.

Great work on the twin stick scheme too Sega, now bring me some Jet Grind Radio to XBLA!
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Edited By Diamond

I caved in yet again to a Sega port and got it too.

Online play is a good feature but between matchmaking that doesn't always work, and lag because the community is 95% Japanese, it's hard to get really good matches.

Also I notice with the latency, characters with homing attacks seem to do better.  It's really hard to play as Raiden versus skilled players, basically Raiden is completely dependent on the other player making some kind of mistake.

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Edited By Ouroboros

Great game - stiff controls though.  Honestly I loved the game back in the arcades because you were sitting in a fucking machine playing it and it made you feel like you were inside of a robot blasting the other dude.  Now it's so stiff and unresponsive at times - I'm sure that goes away with time but man, its a real bummer learning curve.