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roguenine19: Favorites

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  • Dragon Age: Origins does nothing perfectly, but it does so much so well that it's one of the best games I've played by sheer breadth of its scope. The tactical combat could very well be its own game (a la Freedom Force); that it represents only a fraction of what you can do in the game blows me away.

  • Even though its controls were kinda unintuitive and the persistent units lead to some mission design problems, Homeworld's melancholy ambiance, beautiful graphics and three-dimensional gameplay were revolutionary and still unparalleled in the genre.

  • Any game in which you can have long philosophical conversations with characters that have big impacts on how the game plays is fine in my book. There's nothing like the whimsical, dark setting of Planescape, and nothing like an RPG where the most important thing you can do is talk.

  • Persona 3 is the game that convinced me that JRPGs were worth playing. The chunky combat, deep character progression and quirky anime story drew me in and kept me hooked for over 100 hours.

  • Fallout 2 might be more expansive, but the original was a more solid game, allowing you the flexibility to play the game any way you choose, while still being well-written and fun.

  • Its massive size and budget means that we'll probably never get a conclusion to the story, and the audio compression and early 00s voice acting kills the immersion, but no other game has so convinced me that I was in another place.

  • It's not the tightest fighting game ever made, but it's the most fun. Super Smash Bros. Melee is chaotic enough to be fun no matter how skilled you are, and never gets old. The game created so much excitement in college that my R.A. in college had to come in and ask us to stop swearing at the top of our lungs.

  • Despite what the entire Republic of Korea might tell you, StarCraft hasn't aged well as an RTS. But I haven't spent as much time playing any other single game.

  • Half-Life created Valve's patented formula for FPS games, and Half-Life 2 refined it, but not until Episode Two did Valve improve the story enough to create an emotionally affecting game that perfected the Half-Life sub-genre.