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Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers
Edit # Wiki page Type Comment Sent for moderation Points Status
124876 LYN: The Lightbringer Game 07/13/20 02:47PM 52 approved
124670 New Game Game I want to stream the game on Twitch. 07/12/20 06:29AM 10 approved
98934 Calibria: Crystal Guardians Game 02/26/20 01:27AM 46 approved
98732 New Game Game Calibria: Crystal Guardians is a new and very popular mobile game. Due to a lot of similarities to the hugely successful mobile game Summoners War, it has accumulated a big playerbase since its release about a month ago. A lof of big names in the Summoners War scene picked up the game and started streaming it on Twitch. But since Twitch pulls their game categories from this site, most content creators have to stream their Calibria gameplay in the "Games + Demos" category. This is the reason why I am adding the game entry. I hope you approve this 02/25/20 08:08AM 10 approved