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Best of 2009

RVonE: Best of 2009

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  • This has to be the single best game experience I've had this year. The only issue I have with this game concerns its length; man, if only it was five hours longer.

  • I know people are really divided on this game. I love it; I love the typical Japanese story telling, the gameplay mechanics, the environments, et cetera. Also, this game provided me with the best coop experience I've had in years.

  • Perhaps the most surprising game of this year. Who would have thought that some studio would actually pull off a solid Batman game? Or, more generally, who would have thought this game would be among the best games released this year? The segment with Scare Crow was amazing. Definitely one of my favorites.

  • Say what you will about its release date, but the fact is that it is this year's best 2008 game. Or maybe it is even one of the best games of 2009 period. I mean, the Endurance Run made this game a defacto 2009 game, right?

  • LocoRoco, but better. I absolutely loved the first two LocoRoco games because of their charm and their laid-back level designs. Those games were fun to play through even though there wasn't a lot of challenge to them. Midnight Carnival changes this with its jump heavy level designs that require fast thinking and some actual dexterity. The art style also changes things up with its darker tone while retaining this distinct LocoRoco feel. Yeah, LocoRoco, but better!

  • "Make BOY stretch to make GIRL grow." I mean, what?

  • 3D platforming at its best.

  • One of the best rhythm game series in its best incarnation to date. Look up some DJ Max Technika videos on YouTube and you'll see the awesomeness of this game. Man, I want one of those machines.

  • I feel kind of weird putting this on the list because I don't think this game can roll with the best games released this year. However, there are two aspects of this game that make it among the most memorable I've played this year. First, the city at night. Damn the lighting and colors are so beautiful, it gives the city an incredible atmosphere. Also, the game really succeeded in giving me a strong sense of abandonment and loneliness while I was traversing the city. Second, the soundtrack. This has to be one of the year's best soundtracks. The pieces that accompanied the city at night are especially brilliant and really mesh well with the lighting and colors to enhance the already amazing atmosphere.

    So yeah, I didn't care much for the actual missions but I could walk around that nighttime city for hours. Good stuff that I'll remember for years to come.