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Best of 2014

Goodbye, 2014! Hello, 2015.

A strange year for gaming, for me personally. Played mostly World of Tanks most of the year, until I got my desktop back. Then it was a bonanza of games, and still there are lots of great games I didn't have time for. So if you miss anything on this list, I most likely did not play it, but it is in my backlog for 2015.

List items

  • A game in a series I love, from a developer I love even more, this game is a definitive number 1 for me. A little janky, but I don't buy these games for the pretty graphics, but for the wonderful story and characters. That, I got in loads, and after 55 hours, I'm still only halfway there.

  • An awesome RPG, though not without its flaws. A great coop game, too, looking forward to playing it more in 2015.

  • Brian Fargo still has it, all those years after Fallout 2. I Kickstarted it, and thus was already invested before release, but I had a great time with it. Still have planty of hours left, but a certain other RPG that came out this year stole me away from it.

  • Best Mario Kart to date, and with the recently released DLC, I'm still playing it.

  • A better game than its predecessor, though it sucks that the digital version came out so late.

    Me and my daughter had a great time playing Iron Man and Hulk, throwing each other around among the tall buildings.

  • Got it from my kids for Christmas, and I've barely played it. What I have played, though, have shown me some great mechanics, and a superb concept.

  • Bought this for my kids for Christmas (good excuse, huh?), and have had lots of fun matches against them. It is what it is, though, so if you don't like Smash Bros, this is not for you.

  • The first game I played when I got my desktop back, and it was exactly what I expected; Civ in space, or Alpha Centauri 2.0.

  • Bought it in 2013, but did not get to play it until november 2014. Not much here, but what is here, is great.

  • I suck at this game, but I still have a great time playing it. iPad game of the year.