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Live stream this evening! We'll be showcasing our... wait for it... CUSTOM GAME MODE! Yep, we pulled it off, player…

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Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers
Edit # Wiki page Type Comment Sent for moderation Points Status
283712 Aska Game 05/23/24 09:07AM 0 denied
45520 New Release Release 04/09/19 07:50AM 10 approved
43752 Black the Fall Release 03/26/19 03:42AM 2 approved
43666 Bossgard Game 03/25/19 06:53AM 29 approved
43196 New Game Game Lots of great games have wonderful, epic boss fights, but how many actually let you PLAY the boss? Our game allows you to do exactly this! From God of War and Shadow of the Colossus to Cuphead or Don’t Starve we wanted to keep this: every fight should feel fresh, challenging and intense. Yet, there are several things we want to approach differently. We all know how it goes: the big guy comes up and you, the hero, the underdog, challenge IT, the Boss, the villain, the End. What if we played around with this idea of fighting the Boss and turned it on its head: let’s have you play the Boss. But let’s also play around with what a Boss can be. We did. And it came down to one word: different. The Boss can be different. So we made all our bosses different from the usual and different amongst themselves. What if instead of fighting a giant monster you fought a giant slice of bread? What if the boss can move? What if it can’t? What if it jumps all the time? What if it can’t stop moving? And so on. We took all of these questions and many other and we answered each with a different boss design. That being said, we believe our boss-fights should feel “larger than life” without losing our sense of humor. Bossgard is about being different, fast and fun. 03/22/19 06:34AM 10 approved