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Beat ASScreed 1: time to blog - Running mechanics problems

Very, very late to the Assassin's Creed 1 bandwagon, but I've finally finished it and would like to share some things. 
This game is pretty and awesome, but there are some fundamental problems that make me fantasize that someone from Ubisoft (the hot ubisoft bosslady) will read this blog post and say,  "Wow he is right, lets change that!" (Hey, if you take the time to make multiple textures for pigeon crap under a pigeon hole on 4+ different kinds of watch towers, you should make sure these things don't happen in your game): 
Sprint button is also the climb button: The game has a lot of running from enemies that can reset your mission progress. A lot of running down crowded, narrow streets with pedestrians that push you into random stuff, like boxes and walls. There are a few gameobjects that are unclimable, like elevated roof ornaments and a variation of the 'hiding spot booth.' This means that you have to learn which objects will f* up your sprint from dangerous enemies - otherwise Altaiir WILL get stuck on ledges, WILL bump into unclimable objects, and WILL try to climb things that were just 1 pixels of a hitbox in your running path. "This can be treated as a GAME RULE that you simply have to get better at following" - Nope, not when you make the rest of the combat action and parkour running/climbing so forgiving and fluid!