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Average score of 4 user reviews

Chow Down In Punchbowl 0

Stubbs the Zombie is a veeeerrry veery fun game. You get to be a zombie. Period.You can eat brains, hit people, tear off people's arms, posess people, unleash unholy flatulence, roll your head into a crowd of unwitting humans only to make it explode, and throw gut grenades. Go unleash your evil on the good citizens of punchbowl!Have you ever tried being a zombie? It is very fun... It's also made with the halo engine. Every time you get into a vehicle or posess a human with a gun, it's just like ...

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My God! It's the voice from all the movie ads! 0

Whiplash is...different. You play as Spanx, a weasal. You are chained to Redmond, a rabbit. The two of you have to escape the animal testing plant you are both stuck in. It's funny, the dialogue is pretty cool. The graphics aren't that good, but it IS and old game, so I was expecting those kind of graphics when I bought the game. (My friend had it years ago). The music..What music? I'm sorry, but I don't actually remember the music at all. I'm sure it's fine, it just didn't make impact, I guess....

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Lego Batman 0

I'd put three and a half, but I'm a really big batman fan right now, so I dunno whether I should count the half.I'd recommend it to Batman fans, anyway...So..Sound, how about? The sound is actually pretty good. I remember not actually playing the game, just listening to the music. I really enjoyed it. It's not very usual that I take very much notice of muisc... It's kinda cute... The fact that it's all told by lego storylines..Fan art is a lot easier, they're lego! Although, one would wonder, is...

0 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Psychonauts, Xbox 0

Psychonauts is an amazing game. I'm all for it. It's clever, witty and works well.The sound is fine, the music isn't annoying. The controls are excellent, it's so effortless. The jump is fine, it's not annoying like when you have to jump and then move or vice versa. Ypu start off with all your physical powers too, which is cool. You merely have to unlock psychic powers. This is not labourious. It's fun and it's exciting to see what power you'll get next. The characters are cool, they have person...

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