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Tangentially, Pt. 2

Sorry for the delay, I finished Part 1 and, having looked at the clock, realized I needed to get off my ass in order that I may wash up, get dressed, and meet some co-workers for an evening of Cards Against Humanity with special guest Jack and Coke Zero. Hilarity ensued, and I sobered up enough to drive across town to work, which is where I'm finishing this special diptych.

So yeah, the GOY's something I came up with in lieu of doing another "year of shame" challenge, at which I sucked big-time the past two years. In 2014 I got complacent, while last year Bethesda's leviathan surfaced to make Fallout 4 known to the world, ergo my commitment to not buying games went out the window.

Going into this year I realized that while I can hold my own in the "not buying games" department, there's a second aspect to these challenges at which I have done a piss-poor job: reducing one's pile of unplayed games, be they physical or digital. In fact, in 2014 I found that not only was I not tearing into my pile, I was wasting the money I saved from not buying games on movies, music and other non-game frivolities.

So the plan was for this year not to take a hard stance against purchases (though I'm still not gung ho about going crazy with game-buying) in exchange for a greater commitment to playing out the games I have accumulated.

So games...after AC:B I thought I'd slog a bit more through LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean and might have popped an achievement or two before realizing I had no clue how to do all the things in full play mode, or however it's called.

Next I fired up Fallout 4 for the Xbox after playing it a TON on the PS4, having gotten all the trophy-based endings and a bunch of other trophies along the way...not to mention the 12 foot-high KISS logo I made with lightboxes. Don't laugh, it motivated me enough to keep advancing the game, if just to accumulate enough caps and scraps to generate enough copper for all those electronic parts. And don't get me started on the power generator daisy-chain sitting behind the makeshift stage.

And suddenly, as if on a whim, I switched gears after a fit of Gamestop retail therapy, where I bought a bunch of the yellow-bindle 360/PS3 games on the cheap, as well as Wolfenstein The New Order for the Xbox used for $15. This was another one I played a bunch on the PS4 a while back, so a lot of the gameplay was incredibly easy and as such, gameplay achievements were dropping like flies. The FPS gameplay was a nice change of pace, but as happens with me as a gamer, at some point the light went off and I reverted to the 360 to handle my sudden compulsion to play Fallout New Vegas after being dormant for nearly a year. This one is worth a mention insofar as, as is the objective of the GOY, I FINALLY FINISHED A GAME FOR THE FIRST TIME.

Yeah, I finished the Mr. House questline, and on Hardcore mode to boot, so it reaped a big amount of (admittedly meaningless) Gamerscore. I then reverted to the save and betrayed House and finished the game for Yes Man. At current, I went back and started over with the intent on soaking up the remaining achievements from gameplay, the Legion/NCR questlines as well as the DLC. Knowing me, I'll probably abandon that for some completely different game which strikes my fancy.

So there's the GOY update for the time being. Not exactly fruitful in terms of completing games, but at least I'm working with what I got. Of course, E3 is around the corner and it may well put an upcoming game (or possibly GAMES) on my buying radar. Until next time.

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