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The crying game

   Its been a some time now that I have connected emotionally to a television and film, on the other hand video games have been making me cry this year and though some might call me a baby for doing so, or less of a man because of it, but to hell with it. Like watching a scary movie and actively seeking to be scared or unnerved I really like a story or character that would effect me so much. So in any case here’s two main game which have been upsetting little old me as of late (back in the madness which was 2010) 
Fragile Dreams    

PAL box
PAL box

Though I thought my days of playing games on the Wii were over I'm glad I took a gamble on this gem of a game. I could talk about the roughness and flawed aspects of this game but there are plenty of places to read about them. All I will say is bravo to the English voice cast in a time where very few Japanese games seem to have a great deal of care brought to their localisation in the west the team here went above and beyond. It’s in no small part that I was affected so much but the plight of the main character Seto as the vocal work was so moving. Though through and through this game is just sadness and loneliness personified it’s a must play on the Wii.  
I don't want to spoil anything but an early chapter end made me cry like a baby, people die in games all the time but the pace of this scene and the voice acting alone will stay with me long after the Wii is dead and buried (some might say it already is, to them I say.....hey get out) 


Cave Story 



I've mentioned to a friend and its almost certainly been said before that when I grow to like a character it's usually because due to the simplistic movement and animations my mind ends up filling in the blanks. With the use of imagination even basic sprites become that much more fun to watch in action. My crappy example was always that in Final Fantasy 7 the characters had no facial expressions; everything they were was created using just dialog and very basic gestures. At the end of the day what I imagine Cloud to look and sound like completely differ from others (though the movies have undone this somewhat). Anyway going slightly off topic I'm so glad Cave Story got a European release without it I might never get to experience such a mix of joy and sadness. There is quite a dark vein running through this game and I have no intention of spoiling what made me wipe a tear from my eye. Needless to say characters that have very little screen time made a big impression within this story. 
Yeah so I'm a big softy when it comes to games, hell feel free to call me out on it. Here’s hoping some more western games will evoke such emotion out of me in 2011 but let’s not hold our breath now.  
Also I'd be a lot less upset if I kept leaving Curly Brace to die, I don't wanna use a walkthrough but damn just when I think I did it something goes wrong.