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#1  Edited By Sheeqp

I know this thread is old by now but I'm sure someone will come across it like I have. I've been playing the PS4 version and honestly the only problems I had in the pacifist run were with Spear Fish (not using name because I can't tag spoilers on phone). Even then I was done with her after 3 tries. The only real difficulty spike I've seen started halfway through genocide run, starting with Spear Fish and quadrupling with the Final Boss. I finished pacifist in 1 day, and ive literally spent the last 2 days throwing myself at Final Boss. I still thoroughly enjoyed the game, and the combat was honestly the main reason I wanted to play so badly. I know it is a turn off for some but getting past frustratingly difficult fights is the most fulfilling thing in the world for me (the reason I poured 2 years of my life in to Dark Souls)