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Double Fight Money Weekend and the fruits of persistence.

My work schedule sucks. Street Fighter V's first double fight money weekend, hotly anticipated by, well, pretty much only me, is finally here, and of course, today, the first day, is the only day I'm off during the whole thing. Worse yet, it didn't start until 7 pm east coast time so I barely had time to participate. Still, the prospect of the extra fight money really wasn't what had me excited for this event, rather it is, for me, the fruition of a labor that started on July 1st with the release of Balrog.

Once I reached Gold, after a long struggle returning to fighting games after years off and having to rebuild my skills. I had pre-ordered the game under the expectation of playing as Blanka, but obviously he didn't make the cut and so I fell back on Ryu. A familiar character and one I enjoy playing, but I certainly wasn't planning to main him. I had Balrog pegged as my likely main when I saw the DLC plans and the day he came out I was right there putting the work in.

I quit playing ranked as Ryu right after I hit gold, it was a grind and the rage quitters were too much to handle anymore. I had been holding myself strictly to casual but the updated rage quit fix coupled with this Double Fight Money Weekend seemed like the perfect time to unwrap Rog. Looking forward to the next few days to see how much farther I can climb up the ranks. I'd like to think that Super Gold is an attainable goal, but we shall see.

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