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  • sicamore posted a message on the post 757: Comic Sans 2.

    @yungfloppa said:Grubb's audio is kind of messed up throughout in the audio version, idk if its the same in the video versionalso: Niki is v. funnyYeah, I've also been hearing occasional pops from Gr...

  • sicamore posted a message in the forum topic The State of Premium. on the General Discussion board

    This guy thinks Red Ventures is running a charity. The reason why corporations can justify paying GB's salaries is because their accountants tell them that they are generating enough revenue for RV a...

  • sicamore posted a message in the forum topic The State of Premium. on the General Discussion board

    They obviously know that the Premium offering is currently thin. Subscriber pushes come in waves(unlike some Patreons where it's constantly shoved in your face) and now is a low point in the cycle.If...

  • sicamore posted a message in the forum topic Sad state of GB in 2022. on the General Discussion board

    Your personal opinion doesn't matter because it's their awards and not yours. It's crazy to say that certain games are undeserving to win the GB staff's GOTY based on whatever criteria you use for ga...

  • sicamore posted a message on the post Giant Bomb Animated: Fashion Choices.

    The fact that we now have actual video of these conversations makes all the arm gestures a bit weird. I know they're exaggerated for the sake of making it animated, but body language is a thing and t...

  • sicamore posted a message in the forum topic What is the deal with Reel Layers?. on the General Discussion board

    The more people say it isn't funny, the funnier it gets. Thank you for your service.

  • sicamore posted a message in the forum topic Feedback for YouTube Quicklooks.. on the Bombcast board

    My worry with edited QLs is that it might unintentionally lead to more meandering full QLs by staff because the boring and unnecessary parts will be taken out anyway later. If a more tight QL is the o...

  • sicamore posted a message on the post Voicemail Dumptruck 000.

    Question of the Week is back.

  • sicamore posted a message on the post Reel Layers Ep. 101 - Twister’s Hidden Protest.

    People who just watched the video are missing out. Reading the comments is required for maximum entertainment.

  • sicamore posted a message in the forum topic Is NL a Good Investment?. on the General Discussion board

    I think some people are downplaying the importance of premium subs to GB. RV aren't running a charity. The reason that corporations continue to keep GB funded is because accountants decide that they a...

  • sicamore posted a message in the forum topic That Red Ventures NY Times Article. on the General Discussion board

    Even IGN has trouble keeping their employees from leaving so it's not surprising that GameSpot has it even worse.Whether it's 3 days from now or 3 years from now, GB will have no problem gaining finan...

  • sicamore posted a message in the forum topic What happened to Quick Looks (and maybe some other spontaneous formats)?. on the General Discussion board

    @av_gamer said:All I've read is people wanting the crew to step it up and stop slacking. Nothing wrong with that.You just mentioned how there are varying opinions on their output. You obviously don't...

  • sicamore posted a message in the forum topic What happened to Quick Looks (and maybe some other spontaneous formats)?. on the General Discussion board

    Do unsatisfied people feel trapped here because they can't find any worthy alternative to GB? Everyone from the "glory days" is gone aside from Jeff so it's never going to be less painful than now to...

  • sicamore posted a message in the forum topic Nextlander sit down with MinnMax to discuss the future and why they left GB. on the General Discussion board

    @bladeofcreation said:This was a good, informative interview. At this point, anyone continuing to publicly speculate about drama behind the scenes is simply doing so in bad faith.People naturally avo...

  • sicamore posted a message in the forum topic Nextlander sit down with MinnMax to discuss the future and why they left GB. on the General Discussion board

    @cikame said:I find some of their reasons contradictory but i'm glad it's working out for them, whatever "it" is.For me, it was just the notion that they were tired of being forced to make content for...

  • sicamore posted a message in the forum topic Vinny, Brad, and Alex have started a new Podcast and streaming project called Nextlander. on the General Discussion board

    @otterchaos: I'm worried what happens to some features that fans love. Alex, for example, was largely responsible for booking guests for the night shows as well as guest lists during GOTY. Will someon...

  • sicamore posted a message in the forum topic Vinny, Brad, and Alex have started a new Podcast and streaming project called Nextlander. on the General Discussion board

    @kunakai:To be clear, I personally don't believe there's any bad blood between them. It's just that NL chose one group over the other instead of covering E3 on their own and people are going to wonder...

  • sicamore posted a message in the forum topic Vinny, Brad, and Alex have started a new Podcast and streaming project called Nextlander. on the General Discussion board

    I don't mind that Nextlander is essentially doing the same things as GB since they were part of those meetings that came up with those ideas in the first place.It's unfortunate that Jeff is not recei...

  • sicamore posted a message in the forum topic Talking over stuff - A GB invention?. on the General Discussion board

    Pre and post shows were common, but GB is the first that I know of that had the audacity to talk over them live.

  • sicamore posted a message in the forum topic Is this the Beginning of the End for GB?. on the General Discussion board

    Vinny and Alex have yet to reveal what they're up to, but aside from Ben, all the people that left are still making some form of content that appeals to GB fans. In a weird way, even though they've te...