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My first S-rank: The Saboteur

Just had to post here how much I enjoyed The Saboteur. I did not pick up the game until almost a year after release, but I had to post here that I really enjoyed it.
I did, of course, look at the review score Ryan gave it (3/5) and can see his viewpoint on many items. I, however, had a great time with it. I did write a review of it (4.5/5), so I encourage you to go read it. In fact, it was the first game I got an S-rank on.
I guess it confirms that the action-adventure game (Saboteur, GTA IV, Mafia II) really hits home with my video game sensibilities. 
So, go pick up The Saboteur from your local less-than-$20 bin and give it a try. Pandemic did a great job.