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Got to stored my stuff for safety of a hurricane hitting my house

I had to make the wise decision of storing all my console and electronics stuff for safety of a possible hit of a Hurricane called Earl. I'm from Puerto Rico and as of now where on Hurricane Alert. That means that we are gonna get affected by it, I can't afford to stored all my stuff at the last moment. As of now only my PC and HDTV are not stored, but are ready to disconnect at any moment and stored on my closet that is the safest place on my concrete house from humidity. I was planning to blog about something I played of the old school days, but that will have to wait until all comes back to normal if not worse because of this hurricane. Maybe nothing will happen or perhaps just rain and slight wind will occur, but I will not take my chances. Good luck and safety for me.

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Amateur introduction of a Old School gamer


Hello fellow gamers:

My name is JC Ramirez, aka. SilverPR, aka SilverJC in some circles in the internet.  I’m 30 years old, a very experience person in the world of gaming.   My experience in gaming had trasend from the Atari days to what we see today. But gaming talk should be left for another time, I want you to know me for what I am.

                I’m a resident from Puerto Rico, a little island that is located on the middle of the Caribbean (Google Earth it). The population here is around the 4 million now, if you ask me a lot for the size of my country.  I’m a middle class citizen that lives like any hard worker lives, battling day by day to get what it needs and wants. Love all things media related to comics, movies, books, and most of all video games. Have love, hate, care, laugh, gain, loss (and gain) in my life, perhaps those thing will pop-up in the blogs to come.

                I’m being mostly of my life a Sony gamer, gone through the 3 generations they have done in the past 16 years or so. But before that I was into Nintendo games and Atari games,  Xbox games (briefly), but those things will be told overtime. I’m a collector junkie, and by that I mean I don’t usually give away my games and keep them stored.  Atari, Nintendo, PC (did I mention I play PC games), Playstation 1, 2 and 3. I was a Sony fan boy for most of the 1 and 2 generation of consoles, but renounce that for more than 5 years ago. I’m not ashamed to say that, we all go to stages that pass more soon than later for others, but from that I have learned to be neutral in my opinions at times. Perhaps I’m letting a lot of myself been left out on this introduction, I’m not much of a writer and I didn’t study for this kind of thing. Perhaps in the blogs to follow I could let loose more of myself and get better on this stuff.  Until then I hope you got some interest for a stranger in the net that will be “a average Joe”, that could trigger you to discuss with me some of my opinions and experiences that I had over the years in gaming.