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videogames and storytelling

I myself am a firm believer that videogames can be much more than just games. they can be an art form. Games can have a much greater eeffect on you than movies or books. certain videogames and videogame series certainly rival or even best most movies. some of these include the Uncharted Series, Mass Effect Series, Alan Wake, the jak and daxter precursor trilogy(the original 3), the Metal Gear Solid series, Heavy Rain. I'm sure that I'm missing others. i'm just listing ones i remember off the top of my head(i have a terrible memory). Anyways,my point is that we have proof. We've seen that when a videogame does it's best, the storytelling is fantastic and have the potential to mature into something far more sophisticated than movies or books. The problem is, not many games actually excell at narrative and storytelling. It is a real shame. it seems today's average gamer is conflicted with ADD and must have constant killing with little or no story to keep them satisfied. the reason, i believe for most games to be lacking in story is to be faulted on today's stereotypical adrenaline junkie because they make up most of the market. Because of this, companies are afraid to invest in engaging stories in their games only to have people ignore them or dismiss the game and call it "ghey" or "boring". it's you ridiculous adrenaline junkies that are ruining the potential videogames have with storytelling by not making buying these fantastic games. i may not have been as articulate or clear as i could have been, but I hope Got my point across. Last thing:I usually prefer a game with a fantastic story over fantastic gameplay and a horrible story. Reason i'm not a big fan of the gears of war franchise. such generic characters and plot