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Another Assignment Left Till The Last Minute

Well, here I am again. I've got an assignment due for a film studies course that I don't even have to do. That's right. I elected to do this damn thing myself, because I wanted to learn more about films. Thankfully I have, but it's still a pain in the ass writing assignments.

This one is an analysis of the differences between classical cinema-going (pre 1975) and contemporary cinema-going, meaning now. I've conducted an interview with my father, who attended movies before 1975, and now I'm in the process of condensing my studies so far, and that interview, into a 1000(+/-10%) word analysis. I've actually completed the introduction (100 words) and the first draft of the first of three sections (about 350-400 words) so I'm not going too badly. Really I just have to get into gear and write a section on film Technology, and film Industry, and I'm done. Of course there'll be a lot of fine tuning, but that will last right up until I get too tired to stay awake, and I'll submit the assignment. I suppose I'll have to set aside about 2 hours of reading, since I have to include about 9 references to study material in there somewhere. There's also maybe an hour of time set aside for doing my formal references, presenting my interview questions in a pretty way, and doing a cover sheet.That can be done at any time though. I could do that at about 9pm while I watch F1 second practice ;)

Really, its 1pm now. If I do a section per hour, for the next two hours, I'll be as good as done at 3pm. From 3pm to 5pm I can casually spruce up the material in the three sections I have. Then I can do some cross-referencing with my study texts, and ensure there are enough quotes. That's like, 6pm to 8pm maybe. 8pm to 9pm I do the referencing and other house-keeping, and I submit the assignment by 10pm. Then I play The Walking Dead, and smile about a weekend full of gaming, Formula 1, and Batmang.

Let's do this.