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LEGO STAR WARS III: Good graphics but a good experience...?

Having played some of the other titles in the T.T. franchise I was extremely stoked when I snagged my copy of L.S.W III and knowing it was based on the Clone Wars animated series had me walking a bit in the dark but overall I was quite optimistic. I knew it was going to be big switch going into the story but after just a short time and while trying to remain open-minded to the experience I found the game's experience rather souring.

Graphically the game is extremely impressive for a LEGO game and I was very happy with the feel but I just felt like the game tries to go to in-depth without having much "meat" to go off of. I've had the game for 2 months and am still having to push myself just to even contemplate picking up the controller and beating it just to complete the experience but... I just don't know. I thoroughly wanted to enjoy this game and it just bothers me that I'm finding myself not doing just that. Any other people had a similar experience or even the complete opposite and had a great time with it? Am I just approaching this game all wrong?