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What do you look for in gaming blogs?

Hey guys,

So tomorrow is my last day of class, and I've been looking forward to it for the past few weeks. Instead of hardcore studying, I decided to spend some time writing for a second. I've been saying for awhile that my summer is going to be used to start writing about video games again, since I couldn't do it while in college. Unfortunately, I won't be able to join a website or anything like that -- summer is far too short. Instead, everything will be going on this miserable blog. This brings me to my obviously-in-the-title question: what do you guys look for in a video game blog?

Personally, I'm a fan of quick lists, high quality videos, and reviews. However for videos, I cannot stand long-winded vlogs that go on forever. Remember back when they had three minute intros? Yeah, that was pretty bad. I come to ask this because I've noticed once semi-popular bloggers, including myself, seeing some dead traffic. I know this result is because, well, you need to meet people in order to gain traffic. View counts have not really ben what I'm about, but it's nice to have read-worthy content actually being visited. So yeah, tons of stuff coming this way soon, but what do you guys look forward to? What keeps you coming back, and why?


Games Day Report: The Baltimore Games Day event was amazing. I was fortunate to meet and greet with Paul Barnett and Josh Drescher of Mythic Entertainment. Also, lots and lots of WAAAAAAGH screamin' (friend lost his voice)! However, the day was ruined for me at one point when my camera's battery decided to die within an early 30 minutes, so I didn't obtain any interesting footage. Funny enough, I have video of me scoring an interview with Josh Drescher, but not the actual interview (remember about two sentences ago when my camera died? Yeah, I was rightfully pissed off). I may post something extremely small later on, but I highly doubt it. Oh well, I'll talk to them at PAX '09.