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#1  Edited By smitty86

If i actually thought I would play this game, I'd easily campaign for Sketch Turner, Toejam & Earl, and then either Vectorman or Bayonetta. Bayonetta only to see what type of crazy ass vehicle she would be given. I'm assuming something made out of hair. But my condolences go out to you after seeing all those votes given to Hatsune Miku.

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#2  Edited By smitty86

Only if more time will be given to The Corn Nuts Chips' Nutty Chip Clip Tip of the Week

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#3  Edited By smitty86

@Demoskinos said:

Soft Core was great back when I was 13 and this whole "internet" thing wasn't a thing.

This person gets it. Also, how do you have a softcore porn rant and you are not even watching Skinamax? Come on.

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#4  Edited By smitty86

Just saying, this week alone (3 days) , the forums have just been loaded with the following requests at one point or another:

  • more structure to the bomcast
  • less non-game related talk on the bomcast
  • shorter bomcast
  • shorter quick looks
  • less quick looks
  • quick looks with much more prep time
  • less spoilers (in regards to video)
  • more spoliers (in regards to the bomcast)
  • less Patrick
  • no Patrick
  • more premium content to make up for the apparent lack of current premium content
  • changes in the main crews personalities as they are too jaded in their opinions
  • better reviews
  • a return to the old days of giantbomb
  • more effort in everything
  • stop being lazy
  • get a better camera for non-game videos
  • less personality, more information
  • less information, more personality
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#5  Edited By smitty86

@GoranP said:

  • The discussions and opinions presented through video, audio, and text are starting to not match the scores given to games. The most recent example of this is Halo 4. On one of the recent (if not the most recent) Bombcasts, they spend quite a big chunk of time talking about the negative aspects of the game, only to conclude that it's pretty good. This isn't the first time this has happened, and I find it baffling. Yeah, it's always easier to talk about the cons, but there should be a balance. That or give the game a lower score to reflect your opinions. What's even weirder is when the podcast discussions don't match the review text.
  • This is more for 2012 than 11, but the amount of premium content has been rather poor. I'm a fan, on some level I want reasons to subscribe.

I would completely disagree in relation to the to the premium content. Even so far to say that 2012's premium context is better than 2011's. Jeff's Jartime videos, Breaking Brads, Random PC Game, Flight Club videos, Load Our Last Saves, Spooking with Scoops, The Olympic Games Olympiad, the talk radio videos with extended looks as to the changes being made to the site and early looks at it plus the fantastic look at Drew's trip to North Korea, the multiple lantern runs, and not only access to every TNT which people were always wanting but getting them up, as well as the majority of the other premium videos, within 24 hrs. And all of those were very funny and very entertain. Even intellectually stimulating in some cases.

As for the review scores to discussions point, personally I hate when people are offended when for lack of a better word critics, criticize something and then still give it a good score. That is there job. For example, Halo 4. Where do you think 30 mins of talk would be better suited on that topic: 15 min talking about its faults and 15 min talking about its pros, or 30 min where they are left to simply say what their main concerns about the game are? Especially with a game like Halo 4 where we all know the majority of the pros. I mean, do you need them to talk about something in a ratio to the score in order to validate it? Most conversations are best when talking about the cons because that is what leads to discussions. No conversation really goes anywhere simply off of "this was good. and that was good. and this was good." Instead it is much more beneficial to say "Yeah it is a good game but here is what would make it a great game." Plus consider the audience in relation to the topic at hand. 90% of the people here know why Halo is good. You don't need 30 min of Jeff or Ryan or whoever to tell you that. Instead, that time would be better spent hearing what changes could have been implemented. The focus on things of a critique or review of this nature is to facilitate a dialog, not bore you with facts regarding known quantities. Also, why would you ever think that podcast discussions have to match the review text? A review is a review, a podcast discussion is just that. A discussion.

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#6  Edited By smitty86

Had to be done...

But cream and sugar.

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#7  Edited By smitty86

Pretty much NEVER watch the original. I have only watched that (twice) and I thought (both times) it was a massive pile of shit. Just terrible. But I have already read that the final and directors cut fix just about everything i hated about it so I'll eventually get on that. But yeah, if you watch the original, you'll be left wondering who the hell could ever think this movie was a classic so just avoid it.

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#8  Edited By smitty86

A. Mexico was beautiful and had that fantastic musical intro but the story was overall pretty meh and due to an early bug which would crash my game whenever i fast traveled forcing me to restart the whole game midway through West Elizabth, it was kind of tainted for me. But that ending.......on man that good.....

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#9  Edited By smitty86

I gave Battle Born a go around during a train ride. Didn't really do much for me. Maybe I'll give it another shot. Still, I have to say Sam's Town is my favorite. Bones, This River is Wild, All The Pretty Faces, etc. They definitely found their perfect balance. Battle Born just felt like the work of someone who thought that the change from Hot Fuss to Sam's Town was not extreme enough. But then again, this is coming from someone who still has not listened to Day & Night so maybe Hot Fuss is now considered unrepresentative of who the Killers are anymore.

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#10  Edited By smitty86

PSN: smitty86

Waiting on newegg to ship my copy so i should have it by the end of this week, hopefully sooner. I'll likely be on frequently throughout the upcoming days but the norm is generally weeknights.