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Christmas gaming observations...

Well, these technically aren't all that 'Christmassy' but it's Christmas day, and I've been too busy to blog for a while, so I've decided to lay down two or three of the things I've had on my mind.   
The first topic is an extension of something I wrote about a few posts ago - gaming as a chore.  I've managed to 'unborrow' the Saboteur by Pandemic from my cousin a couple of weeks ago.  Great game, really good fun.  I finished the main story some time ago and I'm ploughing through the Free Play targets.  The thing is, it's quite good fun doing this, but it quickly becomes quite samey and feels a bit like a grind.  I think the main game is too short, it's possible to skip some missions by finishing the main story line too soon.  It's a good game, and the main story is good content, but I find it hard to call the free play targets content, certainly not 'good' content.  Maybe it's just there are so many of them, or that there isn't a quick way of taking these out.  I want to keep liking it, controlling the dishevelled swearing Irishman while he bods about blowing up, murdering and assasinating Nazi's is enjoyable.  There are some achievements in this game though, that aren't tests of skill but more a test of patience, and somehow, for some reason I can't help but feel that's a little wrong... 
My wife got me Fifa 11 for Christmas as requested... The trouble is I absolutely suck eggs at it.  I used to be a fifa legend... Well, certainly better than my circle of mates and able to win the computer easily - however this was back when Fifa 2001 was the new thing... SO things have changed... The presentation is great though and it feels solid to play, different, but good... I thought it was interesting that EA appear to have made an astute observation about the state of the gaming industry - and that is the popularity of used games, several publishers/developers are clocking onto this - adding some sort of content that is free to the first time purchaser but has to be bought by used game buyers if they want to access eveything the game has to offer.  It seems like a good idea, more and more people are only buying used, and this is a way of getting some additional revenue back. 
Anyway - I would write more - but my wife is too tired and is lying down, and my 3.5 yr old is destroying things... :(



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Edited By smokemare

Well, these technically aren't all that 'Christmassy' but it's Christmas day, and I've been too busy to blog for a while, so I've decided to lay down two or three of the things I've had on my mind.   
The first topic is an extension of something I wrote about a few posts ago - gaming as a chore.  I've managed to 'unborrow' the Saboteur by Pandemic from my cousin a couple of weeks ago.  Great game, really good fun.  I finished the main story some time ago and I'm ploughing through the Free Play targets.  The thing is, it's quite good fun doing this, but it quickly becomes quite samey and feels a bit like a grind.  I think the main game is too short, it's possible to skip some missions by finishing the main story line too soon.  It's a good game, and the main story is good content, but I find it hard to call the free play targets content, certainly not 'good' content.  Maybe it's just there are so many of them, or that there isn't a quick way of taking these out.  I want to keep liking it, controlling the dishevelled swearing Irishman while he bods about blowing up, murdering and assasinating Nazi's is enjoyable.  There are some achievements in this game though, that aren't tests of skill but more a test of patience, and somehow, for some reason I can't help but feel that's a little wrong... 
My wife got me Fifa 11 for Christmas as requested... The trouble is I absolutely suck eggs at it.  I used to be a fifa legend... Well, certainly better than my circle of mates and able to win the computer easily - however this was back when Fifa 2001 was the new thing... SO things have changed... The presentation is great though and it feels solid to play, different, but good... I thought it was interesting that EA appear to have made an astute observation about the state of the gaming industry - and that is the popularity of used games, several publishers/developers are clocking onto this - adding some sort of content that is free to the first time purchaser but has to be bought by used game buyers if they want to access eveything the game has to offer.  It seems like a good idea, more and more people are only buying used, and this is a way of getting some additional revenue back. 
Anyway - I would write more - but my wife is too tired and is lying down, and my 3.5 yr old is destroying things... :(

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Edited By Grissefar

Do your wife and kid play any games? If so, which games, and are you interested in the new motion control gaming devices as a way to play with your family?

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Edited By smokemare
Alas no - my wife is an extreme-core game hater.... She generally doesn't like 'fun' that much.  Sex, ski-ing, reading a book and keeping a clean house are her preferences... Can't really complain - but it'd be nice to have someone to co-op through Gears of War with, my 3.5 year old is too young and my wife thinks any remotely violent games should be banned and the developers should be rehabilitated.
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Edited By melcene

 I only bought used games this year myself. 
Loved the line about the wife and kid.  Totally understand your pain.  That's a tough age too.  Just wait... a couple more years, and your kid will be gaming their little heart away too (if your wife allows it!)    

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Edited By smokemare

She's very anti-kids gaming, well - ant-anyone gaming actually... She thinks video games are the route of all evil in the world.  I am actually thinking of writing a lengthy, referenced blog post soon pointing out how it's impossible for a rational person to take this view.... It needs more thought though - it's actually a complex topic - but very conclusive if you look at all the evidence objectively.

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Edited By smokemare
@melcene said:
"  I only bought used games this year myself.  Loved the line about the wife and kid.  Totally understand your pain.  That's a tough age too.  Just wait... a couple more years, and your kid will be gaming their little heart away too (if your wife allows it!)     "
Funnily enough, despite her calling it 'Hedgehog the Fox' and only really being able to get through 70% of the first level without help - my 3.5 year old is now thoroughly enjoying playing Sonic the Hedgehog 4 so there's hope yet!