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Duke Nukem Forever knocked the gaming out of me... (+ Trade in's)

I finally managed to trade it in this weekend having finished the campaign on the normal difficulty setting.
I've found it such a chore to play, at times it's cringeworthy to even watch, the motion sickness was crippling, the story poor and uninteresting, the gameplay not much better... I actually think some of the earlier aborted games showcased in the history section of the special features looked more fun.
So is my love of gaming revived? 
No... Not quite.  I can't really be bothered to attack LA Noire at the moment, I guess I'll try later... When I went to Trade-in I thought ah, Dukes only a few weeks old, bit of a blockbuster - must be worth £15 at least £10 so I took my £15 game gift voucher, and DNF, and picked up a Sonic Title my little girl wanted to play, and Dungeon Seige 3 because a break from FPS might be just the ticket - particularly if that ticket is swords and sorcery RPG.
I get to the counter and ask the bearded git behind the counter what I get for DNF... The answer?  A paltry £5... A fiver... For a 3 month old £40 blockbuster.  Now it's a while since I traded anything in - I used to think CEX were best, then Gamestation and Game last - this was at Game.   The trouble is I really couldn't be bothered to go trapsing around trying to find a better price, and I wanted to use my game gift card, so I put Dungeon Seige 3 back, as I still have LA Noire and can't even be bothered to play that - and got the Sonic game my 4 year old wanted.
I mean is £5 fair?  Is that the current norm?  Have I been stitched?  I expected GAME to be a bit low on the trade in values, but a fiver ?!  If playing the stupid game hadn't been such a collectively painful yet pointless exercise I would have kept it... I almost kept it to use as a cup coaster, I have no intention of playing it again...
What I think I'd like to see, (It might exist, I will have to check next time I want to trade in.) is a website where you type in the title and the platform and it tells you what all the various trade in values are - so you know where to go to get the best price.  It might not have helped me on this occasion, but I tend to find trade-ins are generally dissapointing, I don't think I've ever walked away thinking I got a fair deal.  I could have sold it on Ebay I suppose - but I didn't fancy the hassle...
Anyway - so yeah, I have LA Noire to play, and some Token 3D Sonic Game, I didn't pay much attention to it - it was what my 4 year old little girl wanted, (She loves Sonic, she was in tears when I executed an epic fail at winning her a cuddly shadow the fox at the Alton Towers crockery smash.) I booted it up and it already seems more fun than DNF... It's just a pity my cowardly 4 year old is terrified of it.  It is a PEGI 12, but I have no idea why... And I can't imagine what she saw that worried her - I guess the minds of 4 year olds are as mysterious as the minds of the people who work out trade-in prices on games :P



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Edited By smokemare

I finally managed to trade it in this weekend having finished the campaign on the normal difficulty setting.
I've found it such a chore to play, at times it's cringeworthy to even watch, the motion sickness was crippling, the story poor and uninteresting, the gameplay not much better... I actually think some of the earlier aborted games showcased in the history section of the special features looked more fun.
So is my love of gaming revived? 
No... Not quite.  I can't really be bothered to attack LA Noire at the moment, I guess I'll try later... When I went to Trade-in I thought ah, Dukes only a few weeks old, bit of a blockbuster - must be worth £15 at least £10 so I took my £15 game gift voucher, and DNF, and picked up a Sonic Title my little girl wanted to play, and Dungeon Seige 3 because a break from FPS might be just the ticket - particularly if that ticket is swords and sorcery RPG.
I get to the counter and ask the bearded git behind the counter what I get for DNF... The answer?  A paltry £5... A fiver... For a 3 month old £40 blockbuster.  Now it's a while since I traded anything in - I used to think CEX were best, then Gamestation and Game last - this was at Game.   The trouble is I really couldn't be bothered to go trapsing around trying to find a better price, and I wanted to use my game gift card, so I put Dungeon Seige 3 back, as I still have LA Noire and can't even be bothered to play that - and got the Sonic game my 4 year old wanted.
I mean is £5 fair?  Is that the current norm?  Have I been stitched?  I expected GAME to be a bit low on the trade in values, but a fiver ?!  If playing the stupid game hadn't been such a collectively painful yet pointless exercise I would have kept it... I almost kept it to use as a cup coaster, I have no intention of playing it again...
What I think I'd like to see, (It might exist, I will have to check next time I want to trade in.) is a website where you type in the title and the platform and it tells you what all the various trade in values are - so you know where to go to get the best price.  It might not have helped me on this occasion, but I tend to find trade-ins are generally dissapointing, I don't think I've ever walked away thinking I got a fair deal.  I could have sold it on Ebay I suppose - but I didn't fancy the hassle...
Anyway - so yeah, I have LA Noire to play, and some Token 3D Sonic Game, I didn't pay much attention to it - it was what my 4 year old little girl wanted, (She loves Sonic, she was in tears when I executed an epic fail at winning her a cuddly shadow the fox at the Alton Towers crockery smash.) I booted it up and it already seems more fun than DNF... It's just a pity my cowardly 4 year old is terrified of it.  It is a PEGI 12, but I have no idea why... And I can't imagine what she saw that worried her - I guess the minds of 4 year olds are as mysterious as the minds of the people who work out trade-in prices on games :P

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Edited By Chop
Hey, I'm also scared of Sonic these days. 
it's like watching a childhood friend get abused over and over...I CAN'T HANDLE IT MAN!
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Edited By DavoTron

I struggled through DNF in a week and managed to get £30 credit at Blockbuster. It's all about timing yo.

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Edited By Justin258
@smokemare said:
 (She loves Sonic, she was in tears when I executed an epic fail at winning her a cuddly shadow the fox at the Alton Towers crockery smash.) I booted it up and it already seems more fun than DNF... It's just a pity my cowardly 4 year old is terrified of it.  It is a PEGI 12, but I have no idea why... And I can't imagine what she saw that worried her - I guess the minds of 4 year olds are as mysterious as the minds of the people who work out trade-in prices on games :P
Not to be a stickler for accuracy, but isn't it supposed to be Shadow the Hedgehog? And are you talking about the game Shadow the Hedgehog or a toy of the character? If it's the game then it's rated higher than the others for (unnecessary) language and (game-ruining) guns.
Anyway, as for gaming love lost, I would suggest not playing any. Sounds crazy, right? Well, do something else for a week or two, or more. You'll find yourself coming back to games and playing them with as much fervor as ever. You should probably also play something that you don't normally play (an XBLA/PSN game, perhaps? Or play one of those Sonic games?)
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That's just nonsense.
Store here gives you 1/3 of the current price they got.
Duke's still 60, so that would get ya 20.
Not much, but not as fucked up as 5 either. 

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Edited By GoofyGoober

Its duke nukem. You are lucky they didn't kick you out of the store when you handed it to them lol.

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Edited By TheDudeOfGaming
@TaliciaDragonsong: You seem to forget that it's Duke Nukem Forever we're talking about. The turd of games, hated and despised by any and all. I'm actually surprised that the bearded git didn't just straight out laugh in the man's face.
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Edited By laserbolts

Nah five bucks seems fair. I think they know that since duke scored so badly that the only people that are going to buy it most likely already have.

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Edited By Twisted_Scot
@Chop said:
Hey, I'm also scared of Sonic these days. 
it's like watching a childhood friend get abused over and over...I CAN'T HANDLE IT MAN!
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@TheDudeOfGaming said:
@TaliciaDragonsong: You seem to forget that it's Duke Nukem Forever we're talking about. The turd of games, hated and despised by any and all. I'm actually surprised that the bearded git didn't just straight out laugh in the man's face.
Still silly, as I said, the policy here is 1/3 whatever they got it priced, which is still 60 I just saw, so yeah.
No discrimination for the duke here.
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Edited By Sooty

Yeah I just don't bother trading games in for pitiful amounts. I know they are going to put it up for 2.5x the price of what I get for it so why bother?
The only time I trade games in is when they are quite new, so if I trade in a game that's just came out and cost 60 bucks, I'm going to get a big portion of that back and they won't be re-selling it for double the amount either.

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Edited By SSully

Don't even bother trading in games at stores like that, you get screwed over every time. Just sell it on ebay. Its a little more work sending out the game, but you get more money then at used game stores.

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Edited By smokemare

"Not to be a stickler for accuracy, but isn't it supposed to be Shadow the Hedgehog?"
You are right of course, but my little girl has historically always called 'Sonic the Hedgehog', 'Hedgehog the Fox' I find it sort of amusing so I don't always correct her.  It sort of makes sense for her to call him Shadow the Fox :P
I should have expected a game like DNF, which was an awful experience to play to be an equally awful experience to trade in.  I'm just glad it's out of my life, I think I know what will reignite my love gaming too, what? A good late nighter on Left 4 Dead 2 online... Yeah, the community sucks and you have to play a long time to get a decent group together - but at least when it's good, it's VERY good... I never get bored of Left 4 Dead, I loved the first one too.   I just wish I didn't always seem to land in games with griefers, numpties or general idiots... Not Valve's fault but meh!
An I am going to play through the Sonic game I think - as for my little girl, she played Forza 3 last night, but her toddler'esque sense of direction meant playing meant purposefully ramming the walls and getting upset saying 'I'm not a good driver!' poor thing... She's getting better at Diner Dash, a really token XBOX live game I picked up months ago... And there's nothing scary in that so...

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You're trying to revive your love for videogames with Dungeon Siege 3 and Sonic? Good luck.