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My Ginx TV Presenter Entry.

Well, I've done It - I've made an entry for the Ginx TV presenter slot. It was good fun making it, I might even make some video's I enjoyed it so much. 
Do I stand a chance?  I have no idea - some of the entries are really funny.  The only thing I think might give me a slight advantage is that I have some clear experience of writing about and studying games, development, ludology, media psychology and everything that goes with it.  Obviously there is my blog here, my reviews here my lists.  Alot of this stuff is duplicated over at Gamespot - but I prefer the interface here so I've decided to keep my casual game writing on Giantbomb. 
Then there's my academic writing on Gaming located here.  I've been playing, games since 1982, and for a lot of that time I've also been creating, modifying and writing about games, gaming and the industry.  I like writing about games and gaming, hell - I must like I do it for free here! 
I haven't done any for a bit, I've been busy at work lately, and my gaming and writing about gaming time has been cut short a bit.  Some people might think I'm not 'into' it that much simply because I'm not playing Black Ops, the fact is I'd play more games if I could argue it was to do with my career / job.  I'm a business person at the moment, a technical manager, I spent ten years as an IT Infrastructure Engineer.  I've never been out of work, money is no issue.  I'm not desperately seeking any old fame in whatever shape it comes, I just really want to work in the games industry - and I love writing, researching and analysing... And oh yeah - I love gaming. 
I actually wrote a lengthy proposal letter to BBC 3 suggesting an editorial style review and news program about games and gaming late last year.  I still have a very long and polite rejection letter from them, suggesting it's a good idea - and I should approach some other organizations - but it doesn't fit in with their current plans.  I never re-worded and sent the mail to other organizations, I ought to - I included a detailed report on the current demographics of gamers and how under-represented they are in the television media.   
The only rationale I can come up with not making more of these kind of programs is that the producers think all the gamers are too busy playing games to watch TV.  However Ginx TV and Gameface are popular, and the newsagents shelves are over-flowing with gamer magazines... Clearly today's gamers do more than game.



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Edited By smokemare

Well, I've done It - I've made an entry for the Ginx TV presenter slot. It was good fun making it, I might even make some video's I enjoyed it so much. 
Do I stand a chance?  I have no idea - some of the entries are really funny.  The only thing I think might give me a slight advantage is that I have some clear experience of writing about and studying games, development, ludology, media psychology and everything that goes with it.  Obviously there is my blog here, my reviews here my lists.  Alot of this stuff is duplicated over at Gamespot - but I prefer the interface here so I've decided to keep my casual game writing on Giantbomb. 
Then there's my academic writing on Gaming located here.  I've been playing, games since 1982, and for a lot of that time I've also been creating, modifying and writing about games, gaming and the industry.  I like writing about games and gaming, hell - I must like I do it for free here! 
I haven't done any for a bit, I've been busy at work lately, and my gaming and writing about gaming time has been cut short a bit.  Some people might think I'm not 'into' it that much simply because I'm not playing Black Ops, the fact is I'd play more games if I could argue it was to do with my career / job.  I'm a business person at the moment, a technical manager, I spent ten years as an IT Infrastructure Engineer.  I've never been out of work, money is no issue.  I'm not desperately seeking any old fame in whatever shape it comes, I just really want to work in the games industry - and I love writing, researching and analysing... And oh yeah - I love gaming. 
I actually wrote a lengthy proposal letter to BBC 3 suggesting an editorial style review and news program about games and gaming late last year.  I still have a very long and polite rejection letter from them, suggesting it's a good idea - and I should approach some other organizations - but it doesn't fit in with their current plans.  I never re-worded and sent the mail to other organizations, I ought to - I included a detailed report on the current demographics of gamers and how under-represented they are in the television media.   
The only rationale I can come up with not making more of these kind of programs is that the producers think all the gamers are too busy playing games to watch TV.  However Ginx TV and Gameface are popular, and the newsagents shelves are over-flowing with gamer magazines... Clearly today's gamers do more than game.