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Snide's year in review

Before we begin this list I think it's fair to mention that I spent at least 50% of my time this year playing two games not released in 2008: Team Fortress 2 and World of Warcraft. I do not regret time spent in either even though there were a lot of great games released this year. I also will mention that as an engineer first and a game commentator second, I have the awesome ability of not having to worry about finishing every game I play. I also missed out on Dead Space, which everyone tells me I'd love. I also did not take part in any of the official game of the year picks so don't look for any insights here. Take my list with a grain of salt.

  1. I knew I bought a PS3 for something
    I knew I bought a PS3 for something
    Metal Gear Solid 4 was hands down the game that totally robbed a full week away from my life earlier this year. Although I have not picked it up since, and likely will not anytime soon, it left the biggest impression on me and like Call of Duty 4 last year stunned me with it's cinematic storytelling.  Playing through it was more like witnessing an event then playing a video game. 
  2. Left 4 Dead is my favorite multiplayer game this year. Slightly hampered by the silly match-matching the PC version has and my inability to ever find a good team, the is without a doubt the most original take on run and gun multiplayer that I have played in years. It is the only game on this list other then Warcraft that I know I will be sinking a large amount of time on a year from now.
  3. World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King is a substantial improvement to my favorite game of all time. Looking at my /played time in Warcraft always makes me rethink my game addictions, but then I remember that I do build a game site for a living, so at least it's not infringing on my job :)
  4. Saints Row 2 is my popcorn pick for  a year that tried to pull off too many super-serious stories. I'll admit to not being a huge fan of sandbox games in general as I think they trade quality  for quality in game play modes but the tight controls in this one took away my normal frustration with the genre.  I know this is crazy, but I think it was a better game then GTA4, which was good for other reasons.
  5. Fable 2 is the game that I'm guessing will be higher on this list once I get more time to play it. Let's be honest, RPGs have been getting toned down from their hardcore roots over the past 3 years. Anyone who knows me knows I'm not happy about it. However, if RPGs are gonna get dumbed down, let's hope they go the Fable route rather then the Mass Effect / KOTOR route. Fable 2 has a world that works, is hilarious and makes me want to poke around. At the heart of it, that's what I love about RPG games and it's what Fable 2 did better then any other game in the genre this year.
  6. Gears of War 2 is predictably awesome. It's as good as I expected it would be and a little more. However, where MGS4 was a Metal Gear game that blew my mind, Gears of War 2 was a Gears game that didn't do anything radically different. A slight dig on an obviously awesome game.
  7. The Witcher: Extended Edition is the one game I'm gonna cheat on for this list. Yes, the original was released in 2007, but I never really got around playing it till the updated version came out this year. With an epic story, fun but complicated combat and a huge cast of characters the game is everything that I love about PC RPGs . The sadness in my heart that I don't have a true RPG to point to this year other then expansions or re-releases makes me worrisome for my favorite genre of games in the years to come.
  8. Grand Theft Auto 4 was a great game that I've got a grudge against for some reason. I know this is gonna sound really lame, but the more accurate driving controls really bummed me out. It just felt tedious actually doing things in Liberty City.  I loved the story and overall think the game in general was a huge improvement and needed change for the series. Somehow though, either because of the driving or the more methodical gun battles I just didn't have much fun actually playing GTA4.
  9. Chrono Trigger DS is the game I will be playing the hell out of on my trip to Australia. I played through the SNES version years ago and have very fond memories. The UI improvement for the dual screen are great and I'm pretty excited to fall in that time warp again.
  10. Castle Crashers is the most colorful, witty and fun beat-um-up I played all year. I would have easily paid a full $60 bones to witness Dan Paladin's goofy visuals. It's the game I throw in whenever relatives or non-gamers are around.
Despite these great releases 2008 will stand out for me as the first time my list wasn't RPG heavy. That is not due to my tastes as a gamer changing, but due to a lack of solid games in the genre. Fallout 3 was without a doubt the most disappointing game experience I've had since Deus Ex 2. It's a beautiful game with an awesome world that I'll never experience because of my utter dislike and hate of the combat. Don't mistake me for an old-school, turn-based disciple (of which i am, just not in this case) who doesn't like change, it's just that I hate VATs. I think it's the worst game mechanic to come out of modern RPGs.

2008 for me is the year I started to get really worried about the future of deep, complicated RPGs. I hope BioWare, Blizzard or Obsidian swoops in to the save the day, because things are looking grim right now.


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Edited By snide

Before we begin this list I think it's fair to mention that I spent at least 50% of my time this year playing two games not released in 2008: Team Fortress 2 and World of Warcraft. I do not regret time spent in either even though there were a lot of great games released this year. I also will mention that as an engineer first and a game commentator second, I have the awesome ability of not having to worry about finishing every game I play. I also missed out on Dead Space, which everyone tells me I'd love. I also did not take part in any of the official game of the year picks so don't look for any insights here. Take my list with a grain of salt.

  1. I knew I bought a PS3 for something
    I knew I bought a PS3 for something
    Metal Gear Solid 4 was hands down the game that totally robbed a full week away from my life earlier this year. Although I have not picked it up since, and likely will not anytime soon, it left the biggest impression on me and like Call of Duty 4 last year stunned me with it's cinematic storytelling.  Playing through it was more like witnessing an event then playing a video game. 
  2. Left 4 Dead is my favorite multiplayer game this year. Slightly hampered by the silly match-matching the PC version has and my inability to ever find a good team, the is without a doubt the most original take on run and gun multiplayer that I have played in years. It is the only game on this list other then Warcraft that I know I will be sinking a large amount of time on a year from now.
  3. World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King is a substantial improvement to my favorite game of all time. Looking at my /played time in Warcraft always makes me rethink my game addictions, but then I remember that I do build a game site for a living, so at least it's not infringing on my job :)
  4. Saints Row 2 is my popcorn pick for  a year that tried to pull off too many super-serious stories. I'll admit to not being a huge fan of sandbox games in general as I think they trade quality  for quality in game play modes but the tight controls in this one took away my normal frustration with the genre.  I know this is crazy, but I think it was a better game then GTA4, which was good for other reasons.
  5. Fable 2 is the game that I'm guessing will be higher on this list once I get more time to play it. Let's be honest, RPGs have been getting toned down from their hardcore roots over the past 3 years. Anyone who knows me knows I'm not happy about it. However, if RPGs are gonna get dumbed down, let's hope they go the Fable route rather then the Mass Effect / KOTOR route. Fable 2 has a world that works, is hilarious and makes me want to poke around. At the heart of it, that's what I love about RPG games and it's what Fable 2 did better then any other game in the genre this year.
  6. Gears of War 2 is predictably awesome. It's as good as I expected it would be and a little more. However, where MGS4 was a Metal Gear game that blew my mind, Gears of War 2 was a Gears game that didn't do anything radically different. A slight dig on an obviously awesome game.
  7. The Witcher: Extended Edition is the one game I'm gonna cheat on for this list. Yes, the original was released in 2007, but I never really got around playing it till the updated version came out this year. With an epic story, fun but complicated combat and a huge cast of characters the game is everything that I love about PC RPGs . The sadness in my heart that I don't have a true RPG to point to this year other then expansions or re-releases makes me worrisome for my favorite genre of games in the years to come.
  8. Grand Theft Auto 4 was a great game that I've got a grudge against for some reason. I know this is gonna sound really lame, but the more accurate driving controls really bummed me out. It just felt tedious actually doing things in Liberty City.  I loved the story and overall think the game in general was a huge improvement and needed change for the series. Somehow though, either because of the driving or the more methodical gun battles I just didn't have much fun actually playing GTA4.
  9. Chrono Trigger DS is the game I will be playing the hell out of on my trip to Australia. I played through the SNES version years ago and have very fond memories. The UI improvement for the dual screen are great and I'm pretty excited to fall in that time warp again.
  10. Castle Crashers is the most colorful, witty and fun beat-um-up I played all year. I would have easily paid a full $60 bones to witness Dan Paladin's goofy visuals. It's the game I throw in whenever relatives or non-gamers are around.
Despite these great releases 2008 will stand out for me as the first time my list wasn't RPG heavy. That is not due to my tastes as a gamer changing, but due to a lack of solid games in the genre. Fallout 3 was without a doubt the most disappointing game experience I've had since Deus Ex 2. It's a beautiful game with an awesome world that I'll never experience because of my utter dislike and hate of the combat. Don't mistake me for an old-school, turn-based disciple (of which i am, just not in this case) who doesn't like change, it's just that I hate VATs. I think it's the worst game mechanic to come out of modern RPGs.

2008 for me is the year I started to get really worried about the future of deep, complicated RPGs. I hope BioWare, Blizzard or Obsidian swoops in to the save the day, because things are looking grim right now.
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Edited By RHCPfan24

Obviously, there are a bunch of great games on your list, and I haven't played MGS4 yet (I don't have a PS3).  But get Dead Space: it is awesome.

Also, TF2 is an amazing game and I understand how anyone can play it for that amount of time. I did too :)

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Edited By thordain

Hey, there's no shame in playing tons of TF2, I've played it for most of the year.

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Edited By DisAbiLityFisHy

ReTarDedFisHy wholeheartedly agrees with your entire list and your justifications behind them.
He also agrees with your comments on Fallout 3; while not hating it, ReTarDedFisHy was a bit disappointed, especially with the ending like many other gamers.
ReTarDedFisHy's Game of the Year will have to be Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, hands down.
Cinematic, Epic and Masterpiece are the words that come to ReTarDedFisHy's mind about that game.

'twas a nice read, Snide.

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Edited By coonce

castle crashers??!! no ways!

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Edited By jakob187

Ah, love for Prince of Persia?  =  (

To be honest, I'm not looking forward to all the "end of the year" lists, mostly because I am probably the one person on the planet that absolutely hated both MGS4, GTAIV, and Fable 2.  Nonetheless, I think it's something to say about the gaming industry when we can finally get to the point where our top ten list just isn't enough to list all the amazing games that came out this year.
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Edited By Hamz

L4D is probably the best multiplayer game this year for me too. Best coop game i have played in a LONG time for sure.

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Edited By MattyFTM  Moderator

Pretty good year review snide. I think you and the other guys upstairs should ditch jeff, ryan, brad and vinny and run the site all by yourselves!!!!!!

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Edited By ThomasP

Very nice list. I'm stoked for Chrono Trigger DS too. I might pick it up this weekend.

I share the same feelings you have about Sandbox games... not really my thing. "quality for quality" lol

I have to wait to check out L4D and Fallout 3 until I can afford a new PC. My gf's laptop isn't going to cut it.

Nice blog Snide. It's good to know there is an RPG head like yourself working for the Bomb. It'd be cool if you posted more of your thoughts on the genre in your blog. Anything RPG related would be sweet... a list of some fave classics or a more in-depth reading of your opinion on the state of RPG's perhaps.

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Edited By Xandurson

I have one question...where is Fallout 3?

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Edited By MattyFTM  Moderator
GamerGeek360 said:
"I have one question...where is Fallout 3?"
Here is Fallout 3:

Fallout 3 was without a doubt the most disappointing game experience I've had since Deus Ex 2. It's a beautiful game with an awesome world that I'll never experience because of my utter dislike and hate of the combat. Don't mistake me for an old-school, turn-based disciple (of which i am, just not in this case) who doesn't like change, it's just that I hate VATs. I think it's the worst game mechanic to come out of modern RPGs."
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Edited By VitaminWaterYum

I would kiilllllllll for a new Deus Ex! Good list

also, how far did you get with Warhammer, Snide? The coverage just kinda ended :(

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Edited By Claude
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Edited By Bulldog19892
Crayola said:
"I would kiilllllllll for a new Deus Ex! Good list

also, how far did you get with Warhammer, Snide? The coverage just kinda ended :("

Wish granted. Happy holidays!
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Edited By BawlZINmotion

The Witcher is 10 pounds of awesome sauce for every reason you already wrote about. It saddens me how few old-school-like PC RPG's there are these days. Long live the PC!

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Edited By VitaminWaterYum
Bulldog19892 said:
"Crayola said:
"I would kiilllllllll for a new Deus Ex! Good list

also, how far did you get with Warhammer, Snide? The coverage just kinda ended :("

Wish granted. Happy holidays!"

My mind is blown, but I wonder if I can make other things magically appear too..

I would kiilllllll for my 360 to get back from being repaired!
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Edited By get2sammyb

I'm trying to weigh up whether MGS4 or GTA4 is my game of the year.

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Edited By Chummy8

The main problem with users' year in reviews is that unless you have played every game released this year, then you basically depend on other people's opinions.  Then it's not really YOUR year in review.. is it?

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Edited By citizenkane

I am absolutely loving Fallout 3 so far.  The V.A.T.S. is a little clunky, but I do like the combat.  The atmosphere is brilliant and the world is engrossing.  I haven't had this much fun being evil in any game.  Turning cities and towns of innocent people into piles of glowing green clue with the Plasma Rifle while wearing Tesla Armor is the one of the best experiences I have had playing a game in a long time.

Maybe I need to seek help....

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Edited By albedos_shadow

Chrono Trigger DS is great, playing it right now.

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Edited By daniel_beck_90

that was a nice blog to read

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Edited By Manachild
get2sammyb said:
"I'm trying to weigh up whether MGS4 or GTA4 is my game of the year."
for me probably mgs4, gta4 is an awesome game but i started to get fatigue 20 hours in where it stopped being fun for me. Awesome game tho.
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Nice list there, I agree with all the choices you made, other then WoW because I didn't play it. (And Im proud of it)  

I say MGS4 for GOTY, it's a masterpiece for story, graphics, gameplay whatever. 
Good blog also Snide. 
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Edited By Bulldog19892
Crayola said:
"Bulldog19892 said:
"Crayola said:
"I would kiilllllllll for a new Deus Ex! Good list

also, how far did you get with Warhammer, Snide? The coverage just kinda ended :("

Wish granted. Happy holidays!"

My mind is blown, but I wonder if I can make other things magically appear too..

I would kiilllllll for my 360 to get back from being repaired!"
Everybody gets one.
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Edited By TomA

My top 3 games this year...
3)Burnout Paradise(man this game is fun with friends)
2)Fable 2
3)I know i am unoriginal but i'd say Gears of War 2.

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Edited By OGCartman

Hey, awesome blog.
Agree with the games on the list, about 8 of them are in my top 10, just in a different order.
Yay for MGS4, L4D n WOTLK :)

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Edited By GreatMadness

I agree with you regarding the Fallout 3 combat. If you were playing the PC version just do what I did: Spawn the alien blaster and a buttload of ammo. Most enemies will disintegrate in one shot, leaving you to get on with the good parts of the game.

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Edited By dudacles

Will GB have a game-of-the-year feature of some kind?

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Edited By PitifullPete

You should really keep track of, if "Drakensang" gets an english translation. It's a German RPG, realized this year and it's pretty oldschool. It's based on a P&P system which I would call the german version of AD&D. Although I haven't played it yet, the general response was quite positive. 

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Edited By DrRandle

I know how you feel, Snide. I just discovered City of Heroes and Team Fortress 2 over the summer and holy crap those games are awesome.

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Edited By FLStyle

Pretty good list I'd say, I'm guessing the lack of a Warhammer mention sums up it's comparison with WoW.

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Edited By Tiwi

Dead Space? WHAT??
it's  Awesome and it's horrible

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Edited By ElectricHaggis

MGS4, a nice choice for top spot.

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Edited By Derios

fucking love me some tf2

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Edited By ahoodedfigure

Don't worry man, RPGs take time to make.  You know about the stuff on the horizon, so it won't be long for the RPG to see a bit of a resurgence.  At least, y'know, maybe.

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Edited By Cheetoman

I like that Castle Crashers got the nomination, even though its not gonna win

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GTA4 is my GOTY and I know it could have done soooo much better like the whole dating thing and the fact that the story is sooo linear in a sandbox game but....... it is the one game this year that I found myself having every emotion over and playing for 152 hours since it came out on the PC on December the 3rd for EU lol. I just got laid off work because they shut their business down but frigging been playing like 10 hours a day of GTA4 and not even completed it yet.

Theres just something about GTA games that I love... I have such fond memories of GTA3 and VC... SA I was getting tired of the engine but I ended up playing more of that than the previous 2 because of MTA Race which GTA 4 is missing the ability to create your own maps like that amaizng race mod of SA.

Spore, Left 4 Dead  and Fallout 3 were my big let downs...

Left 4 Dead - Not enough modes and the crappy PC matchmaking. I got tired of the game after a couple hours.

Spore - Wasn't that Evolution Sim we were told, great for kids but not for me.

Fallout 3 - Boring world, story and characters. No vehicles meant I had to run everywhere and I couldn't be bothered and the character animations sucked along with the poor combat system.

World of Warcraft to me is shit because theres no challenge to the game, theres no death penalty or character customization and the world is sooo static. I loved Star Wars Galaxies before it got ruined over the period of two years which constant game breaking patches. I love Arthas but I just wish'd Blizzard made Warcraft 4 instead.

Dead Space was the biggest suprise to how good that was for me and Far Cry 2 was my biggest "meh I knew it wud suck" game lol.

I only play PC games and this year there wasn't that major title other than GTA4.

+ Mass Effect was nice until you left the Citadel and the game become repetitive.

+ Didn't care for the Witchers combat or story.

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Edited By The_Icon

I agree with all those bro.

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Edited By HairyToeKnuckles

Fallout 3 is great, VATS is great. You? Not so much.

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Edited By Moeez

Deus Ex 2 still was awesome, excellent story. Sure it was much less complicated, but it sure was FUN!

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Edited By eXists

My only comment is that unlike what you said about Fable2 vs KOTOR is I wish all RPGs would go the KOTOR way, not the Fable or Mass Effect or Fallout way, KOTOR was just PERFECT!!! Shame on Bioware for wasting their time on an MMO instead of KOTOR3...

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Edited By Dryker

I like this man's taste. Every time I read something from him he sounds more and more similar to myself. After my five hour tutorial with Fallout 3, I have yet to put it back in to play. There's only one oddity with his list, no mention of Lost Odyssey. As a die-hard RPGer myself, I found Lost Odyssey intriguing- perhaps not mind blowing, but intriguing. Strange.

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Edited By Hailinel

Saints Row 2 is a blast.  I got burned out on the open world crime game after Vice City and swore off the GTA series, but Saints Row 2 fixes pretty much every issue I had with GTA and managed to step out of GTAIV's shadow at the same time.

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Edited By jakob187

Don't let Snide fool you with his WoW trickery.  While what I've seen of Lich King does look mighty impressive, WAR is not a bad game at all.  It's actually a very solid MMO, and it continues to show that.  

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Edited By 911forpeace

Meh, I disagree with most of this. It seems like this guy's trying to be a rebel by hating on great games. Saints Row 2 over GTA IV? Uh.....yeah, haha. I'm not a graphics freak, but with all the technical issues in Saints Row 2, how can you tolerate it, let alone, rank it higher than GTA IV? Deep RPGs? Fallout 3 was everything you said it wasn't and more. And most people who like RPGs like KOTOR. Basically, you're kind of like the minority in gaming. No one will appeal to your VERY strange tastes because it simply won't make money with all 10 people who share your ideas buying these odd games you're into. At least you play Metal Gear Solid. But WoW? That's not a hardcore RPG, but you like it anyway. Your views make absolutely no sense whatsoever, and I sincerely hope you find some RPG you can enjoy. Perhaps Blue Dragon? That seems like a game you would really enjoy.

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Edited By Gruff182

Well a year ago I'd never imagine I would say this, ever. But I enjoyed Saints Row 2 alot more than GTA4. GTA is obviously a better crafted game, saints row just provided me with the "fun" GTA4 lacked.

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Edited By Dudeuk

Great read.