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New Game from Team ICO

Ok, so i saw the video i little while ago and i have to say... WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING

I am a huge fans of the guys over at Team ICO, they are extremely talented and frankly one of the few, actually uniquely creative developers out there. Both Ico and Shadow of the Colossus are brilliant bith capture a artistic design not seen enough in games these days, in a market where another Gears clone is vastly overdone its refreshing to have peope still maing such unique and diffearnt game, but this new game of theirs sure is strange.

I dont know what they are going for, i understand its leaked footage and that its was intended for internal testing, but the graphics dont seem to match, the enviroments look photo-realistic, but both the boy and the... the... rat-dog-eagle thing stick out way to much and dont seem to belong to where they are (maybe that the point) it seems like they are combing aspects of their previous games less action oriented (your a kid, i doubt ull kill anyone) and giant monsters (ra-o-gle).
Why not just make a Shadow of the Colossus 2, how amazing would it have been to create creatures 10 times the size of the previous colossi and make them 100 times more detailed the power of the PS3 could pull off these massive feats.

Needless to say my expections for Team Ico's new game, isnt very high, their lucky they made 1 of my all time favotire games (Shadow of the Colossus), i will at least have some optimism.



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Edited By SolidOcelot

Ok, so i saw the video i little while ago and i have to say... WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING

I am a huge fans of the guys over at Team ICO, they are extremely talented and frankly one of the few, actually uniquely creative developers out there. Both Ico and Shadow of the Colossus are brilliant bith capture a artistic design not seen enough in games these days, in a market where another Gears clone is vastly overdone its refreshing to have peope still maing such unique and diffearnt game, but this new game of theirs sure is strange.

I dont know what they are going for, i understand its leaked footage and that its was intended for internal testing, but the graphics dont seem to match, the enviroments look photo-realistic, but both the boy and the... the... rat-dog-eagle thing stick out way to much and dont seem to belong to where they are (maybe that the point) it seems like they are combing aspects of their previous games less action oriented (your a kid, i doubt ull kill anyone) and giant monsters (ra-o-gle).
Why not just make a Shadow of the Colossus 2, how amazing would it have been to create creatures 10 times the size of the previous colossi and make them 100 times more detailed the power of the PS3 could pull off these massive feats.

Needless to say my expections for Team Ico's new game, isnt very high, their lucky they made 1 of my all time favotire games (Shadow of the Colossus), i will at least have some optimism.

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Edited By ShadowSkill11

Yawn... it sure is cOLD in here.

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Edited By fr0br0
ShadowSkill11 said:
Yawn... it sure is cOLD in here.
Dude it's been only a day since the video came out. I think it's alright to voice your opinion within that 24 hour period.

Personally, I can see where you are coming from. I thought the boy looked way too cartoonish to resemble the past Team ICO games. But I thought the beast and the city looked great. The beast isn't the same as the colossus so I expect it to look a little more approachable and not like it's some blood thirsty monster.
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Edited By atejas
SolidOcelot said:
Ok, so i saw the video i little while ago and i have to say... WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY ... [more]
And yet you want them to make the same game all over again.

EDIT- What the hell, quoting is broken.
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Edited By Discorsi

I am sure if you had seen Ico before it came out you would be thinking wtf as well so don't sweat it.  Let Team Ico work their magic.

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Edited By vidiot
SolidOcelot said:
Ok, so i saw the video i little while ago and i have to say... WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY ... [more]
Why not make Ico 2?

You have to admit that looking at this video, it's quite clearly a progression of what they laid out with their past two games. I thought Shadow of the Colossus wasn't as interesting as a sequel to Ico initially, but it turned out quite well.

You also have to put into consideration that this was a leaked "behind closed doors prototype" video that's over a year old. You really can't judge this yet. As for your complaints about it not being action oriented, watch the trailer in HD and you can see arrows/spears stuck in the creature. (Don't forget that Knight that gets slammed during the beginning.)

You can't make a big call or judgment on this product yet: Seeing how we little was shown, how old it is, and what we have seen hasn't even been confirmed to any shape or form what the final product will look like.