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Flash! Thunder! Three Years and still going......

Hey all!

Wow. The month is almost over, but the summer has just ended for me now that I'm back in school. So, here I am going for my third year of college. Incredible, eh? Well, I'm not really that excited about it. I don't know why. I mean I should be since I only have two years of school including this. Maybe I'll feel it once I finish this semester, but I won't know until it happens. As for the classes I'm taking, I will discuss that in another blog. Right now I want to talk about other things besides school.


This summer brought some really cool summer movies, and here's my list of the best movies that I've seen in theaters.

1. The Dark Knight
2. Wall-E
3. Speed Racer
4. Iron Man
5. The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
6. Kung Fu Panda
7. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
8. Star Wars: The Clone Wars

As for the last two movies, I wasn't really impressed with them, but I was very disappointed in The Clone Wars. If any of you plan on seeing it, DON'T! Remember the Cartoon Network version? That's all you need. Not convinced? Read Roger Ebert's review of the movie. I couldn't agree more with him.


I know I said that I was going to do this list in the past, but life got in the way. So, here is a list of the games I'm looking forward to.

1. Prince of Persia
2. Final Fantasy XIII
3. Gears of War 2
4. Madworld
5. Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
6. Spore
7. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
8. Time Hollow
9. Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen
10. Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood

Honorable Mentions:
Sonic Unleashed
Guitar Hero IV
Rock Band 2
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia

Well, I think that about does it for this blog. Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you guys have a good Labor Day weekend. :D

Until next time, Giant Bombers! 8-)