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I am no longer a teenager! And to celebrate? Self bought presents

So, I just turned 20. I didn't really get many presents (aside from some cash to spend on text books next semester). So, in order to make it feel like an actual birthday, I bought some games and movies!

Blu Rays and PS3 Games
Blu Rays and PS3 Games
I went to Target and got these Blu Rays (We Were Soldiers will be going to my dad, actually). Most of them were on sale, except for A Bug's Life, which is my personal favorite from the bunch.

As for the games there, those two are my favorite PS3 games as of now. inFamous is really fun for the first 20 hours or so, and I still am enjoying it. Ratchet & Clank Future is a great looking game, and builds upon the events of the previous R&C games. Also, it only cost me $15 new.

PS2 and DS Games, w/ DVD.
PS2 and DS Games, w/ DVD.
I went over to the local FYE and got Dark Cloud, Rogue Galaxy, and ChoroQ for a measly $20. Havn't played any of them yet, but I can't wait to get to them. Also, I got Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne from GameQuestDirect for $30, and that game is worthy of an Endurance Run as well. SMT: Devil Survivor is a really cool RPG with turn based strategy elements mixed in with traditional RPG elements (think Final Fantasy Tactics grid movement with Final Fantasy battles taking place when you encounter an enemy on the grid). To round this section off, there is Transformers Generation 1: Season 1 on DVD. Incredibly cheesy awesomeness.

Also, I got Star Wars: Force Unleashed for $15 from GameCrazy, but I don't really want to post a picture of that. You all know what it looks like.

Of all of these games and movies, my favorites are SMT: Nocturne (mainly because I am in an RPG crazy at the moment) and A Bug's Life (brings back wonderful memories).

There is really no reason for this blog post, I just wanted to waste 10 minutes of my time. Thanks for reading!


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Edited By SoulEdgeSlayer

So, I just turned 20. I didn't really get many presents (aside from some cash to spend on text books next semester). So, in order to make it feel like an actual birthday, I bought some games and movies!

Blu Rays and PS3 Games
Blu Rays and PS3 Games
I went to Target and got these Blu Rays (We Were Soldiers will be going to my dad, actually). Most of them were on sale, except for A Bug's Life, which is my personal favorite from the bunch.

As for the games there, those two are my favorite PS3 games as of now. inFamous is really fun for the first 20 hours or so, and I still am enjoying it. Ratchet & Clank Future is a great looking game, and builds upon the events of the previous R&C games. Also, it only cost me $15 new.

PS2 and DS Games, w/ DVD.
PS2 and DS Games, w/ DVD.
I went over to the local FYE and got Dark Cloud, Rogue Galaxy, and ChoroQ for a measly $20. Havn't played any of them yet, but I can't wait to get to them. Also, I got Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne from GameQuestDirect for $30, and that game is worthy of an Endurance Run as well. SMT: Devil Survivor is a really cool RPG with turn based strategy elements mixed in with traditional RPG elements (think Final Fantasy Tactics grid movement with Final Fantasy battles taking place when you encounter an enemy on the grid). To round this section off, there is Transformers Generation 1: Season 1 on DVD. Incredibly cheesy awesomeness.

Also, I got Star Wars: Force Unleashed for $15 from GameCrazy, but I don't really want to post a picture of that. You all know what it looks like.

Of all of these games and movies, my favorites are SMT: Nocturne (mainly because I am in an RPG crazy at the moment) and A Bug's Life (brings back wonderful memories).

There is really no reason for this blog post, I just wanted to waste 10 minutes of my time. Thanks for reading!
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Edited By The_A_Drain

I see Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne/Lucifers Call.

I don't even need to read the blog in order to congratulate you on a fantastic purchase you will not regret :)

Grats on whatever the other stuff was too :P

Edit: Holy shit I see Dark Cloud and Rogue Galaxy too, two more purchases you wont regret. (It is Dark Cloud right?)

Ohh and Devil Survivor, I nearly bought that but eventually decided against it as I badly needed the money at the time. But I did manage to procure myself a copy (plus Raiho plush) of Devil Summoner 2.
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Edited By gingertastic_10

I love FYE, but all the ones that were near me have closed. Yes! Bug's Life is epic. I want to watch that now.

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Edited By The_A_Drain
@gingertastic_10:  Is that the one with Sylvester Stallone? Or the one where there are circus bugs? I can't remember which one is Antz and which one is Bugs Life. But both are awesome.
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Edited By Hammerface
@The_A_Drain: It's the one with the circus bugs.
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Edited By MattyFTM  Moderator

Congrats dude. I turned 20 a month ago, and was so glad to not be a teenager any more. I hated being a teenager because I was nothing like your average teenager, and hated being branded as one. And I got EXTREMELY drunk to celebrate. Have a good day duder.

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Edited By SoulEdgeSlayer
@MattyFTM:  I had the same problem. Also, I am really skinny, so I look pretty young.

I had to grow a damn fu manchu/beard combo for people to think I was old enough to buy M rated games. -_-
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Edited By ahriman22

Just remember it's all in your head... Seriously. You may be some age (Let's say 18) physically, but mentally you can still be 16.

I'm 16 and I haven't been carded for anything that requires one to be 18+ for a year now.

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Edited By SoulEdgeSlayer
@ahriman22: I guess that is true, but if that GameStop employee can access my mental age through my "Hello, I would like to purchase this game," then he shouldn't be working there, he should be a psychiatrist.
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Edited By SoulEdgeSlayer
@The_A_Drain said:
" @gingertastic_10:  Is that the one with Sylvester Stallone? Or the one where there are circus bugs? I can't remember which one is Antz and which one is Bugs Life. But both are awesome. "
This is the one with the circus bugs. I remember watching Antz, but I don't think that I enjoyed it when I was younger. I will have to give that one another go!