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Quests... of Doom

Today I did some Giantbomb Quests. I was disappointed that I didn't know as much as I thought I knew about games and the industry.  
So I decided to drown my worries in some orange juice and so-bad-it's-good TV.  I'm back on the Quest hunt now however and ready to do the same self discovery all over again.
I've been having an ongoing debate with myself to go and wash my car. It's been going on for a month now and my car is now red-brownish rather than the original red it is supposed to be. I should really get off my semi-flubby buttocks and do something about that.  I just might. Maybe. 



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Edited By spekingur

Today I did some Giantbomb Quests. I was disappointed that I didn't know as much as I thought I knew about games and the industry.  
So I decided to drown my worries in some orange juice and so-bad-it's-good TV.  I'm back on the Quest hunt now however and ready to do the same self discovery all over again.
I've been having an ongoing debate with myself to go and wash my car. It's been going on for a month now and my car is now red-brownish rather than the original red it is supposed to be. I should really get off my semi-flubby buttocks and do something about that.  I just might. Maybe.