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Yesterday I tested out that Cataclysm thing. 'Twas strange going into a game I left a few years back. Only played for an hour though so not much to tell. In any case there is most likely some NDA thingy waving its finger in a oh no you don't way.
Then today I bought Guild Wars: Eye of the North in preparation for Guild Wars 2. Waiting on Cities XL 2011 to be available on Steam. Need to see weither I'll get the 50% off on Steam or if I'll have to go through CXL2011 webstore - and what the price is on Steam. 
Normally the games are cheaper on Steam compared to other online services, although for GW Eye of the North it was cheaper for me to buy straight from NCSoft store in Euros. 
Sure, in the US or UK you would probably get these games cheaper in brick and mortar. That's not an option for me however since the stores that sell games here even still overprice console launch titles. That's what you get when you live on an island in the North Atlantic. 
I guess I'll just head back into Minecraft and continue on my project. Lovely stuff.



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Edited By spekingur

Yesterday I tested out that Cataclysm thing. 'Twas strange going into a game I left a few years back. Only played for an hour though so not much to tell. In any case there is most likely some NDA thingy waving its finger in a oh no you don't way.
Then today I bought Guild Wars: Eye of the North in preparation for Guild Wars 2. Waiting on Cities XL 2011 to be available on Steam. Need to see weither I'll get the 50% off on Steam or if I'll have to go through CXL2011 webstore - and what the price is on Steam. 
Normally the games are cheaper on Steam compared to other online services, although for GW Eye of the North it was cheaper for me to buy straight from NCSoft store in Euros. 
Sure, in the US or UK you would probably get these games cheaper in brick and mortar. That's not an option for me however since the stores that sell games here even still overprice console launch titles. That's what you get when you live on an island in the North Atlantic. 
I guess I'll just head back into Minecraft and continue on my project. Lovely stuff.