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Obviously this audience is here as fans of the game for the most part -- but like Mario maker (which i bought and played a bit); i dont think i ever need a 2D Mario ever again. LOVED them as a kid, get 0.00% excitement seeing them now.

After Mario 64, Mario 3D World, Mario Galaxy 1+2, and Mario Odyssey (not a huge fan of Sunshine), i want 3D Mario only. Super Mario World is okay to dabble in for a few minutes, but these super hard death levels dont do it for me, and the ones like Mr. O's that are just fun levels dont do it either.

Zelda Maker or Metroid Maker I'd try. But yeah, 2D Mario meh, done.

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Night in the Woods has multiple topics of depression, abuse, anxiety, loneliness, elder care, family issues (money) and just times a-changing (longing for the past/afraid of change - jobs leaving town). I feel like it made a game (my game of the year!) beyond what games like Papa Y Yo, Among the Sleep, and Bound could do with the abstract.

Hellbound was a great game too dealing with mental illness. But Night in the Woods was just... it nailed it. Every character has some issue you can identify with.

It was a super depressing game in parts (with the greatest twist ending ever!). But it was so real (up until that point), and it felt like life. So it actually made me feel good that other people go through everything we do, it helps to identify with great characters that are as flawed as we are.

NitW did have some abstract too (or was it?) where Mae talks to like a Cat God who is basically like "why are you bothering me, Im leaving forever". But as i said, most of it is grounded in reality. Animal people reality.

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@slicknickles: ha-ha, we probably could have summed it all up with -- Me: "this game is too repetitious after 3 full games of the same grind, its fun but burnt me out"; You: "i dont mind playing parts over again, the grind never got boring for me".

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@slicknickles: That's all good, Im glad you like BL, i do too; i dont think you're wrong in liking a game or not finding it boring, I'm not sure how you arent burnt out and not finding it boring, (maybe you play a lot of co-op?); and I'm not trying to be combative - but I think we may be arguing semantics - I still think regardless of enjoyment - this game is factually the definition of repetitive and grind heavy -- its not "how i play", its how the game is fundamentally designed. So factually 100% it is grind heavy, and repetitive. Those are words that define it like a textbook. Whether you fly in the face of the grind, find ways around, or just dont mind them is another story.

I mean you originally said you love the side quests. That's opinion, so great. As did i the first time too. But in all 3 games -- The 4th, 5th, or 6th time? No. They dont hold up. We can agree to disagree. But again, not many games could have the same scene hold up for 4 or 5 times. They get boring for most people eventually, and this game is designed, unlike any other i can think of, to make you replay those same missions, same dialog, same jokes 4-6 times!!!! As i said above, why, why not let you skip that or level up faster, or bring in other characters on the fly skipping the same missions?

You say you dont have to grind. 100% no way thats true. I'm not sure "how you play", but unless you get power leveled in co-op, and they give you weapons - go watch any youtube videos of people playing this game hardcore. Its ALL grinding bosses for drops, maxing out levels and XP to get your skills, and where to FARM. Whether its guns, money, or XP. The game is made for rare skins and heads to grind for & rare weapons to farm bosses for, just as every other Borderlands game has done. Its how the game is made, and those words are correctly used to describe the game play = grind and farm.

That's factually the bulk of Borderlands videos for you. (For instance I found i na video the two best places to grind in BL Pre-Sequel single player are on the "pokemon mission" where the ancients spawn repeatedly, and you literally stand there for hours and just shoot them as they spawn (super boring); or when you unlock UVHM which I haven't, you replay Jacks opening mission over and over and over for like 40k XP, (super boring)... Its how people play this game. Not just me, but thousands of people. If that hasn't defined repetitive and grind heavy -- what else is it!?

You do repeat the same tasks and missions over and over and over. im not sure how you're playing? but unless you do 40 hours and put it down after you beat it the first time (which Id actually recommend as the way to play now I think - and how Ill play Borderlands 3 if i get it), but enjoyment isn't showing how its not repetitive?

I can play the same song in my car 15 times in a row, legit enjoy it, my passenger can scream and say "this has to stop its so repetitive!", and I can say I still enjoy the song, but they are correct that its very repetitive right?

I mean I enjoyed it up until now (and the burn out)... So I agree they are fun games; but unless you played it for only 40 hours and stopped or had the benefits of co-op -- its repetitive. For 3 games repetitive. And it looks to be a 4th. Same jokes. Same lots of stuff. With multiple play-throughs per game. You are literally repeating the same thing over and over. 100's of hours. You may not mind doing that. But that doesn't mean its not literally how the game is played.

Hey - we get the toilet "treasure chest" that spews out a gun with poop water again... how... repetitive...

I didn't know Vault Hunter mode was an add on, as when I fired it up it was in there default, (as it is for many people), but again -- its clearly how the developers intend you to play. By replaying the same game over at least twice (and a third time) and then again for multiple characters. Its why Tiny Tina has the dialog in the second play-through of Pre-Sequel. Its what Gearbox intended with their game design. They release new levels for end game play and level cap ceiling limits for each game. So UVHM was always meant to be in the game.

You can see that intention in the achievements -- now you dont have to care about achievements, I wish in this case i didn't because i want to stop ha-ha. But that doesn't change the fact that the developers who make the game also make the achievements. Used as their "guide" to how to play the game. So its not "how I play the game", the trophies are like a guide to how they want you to play. I play pretty much as they intended! So Gearbox themselves for whatever reason, makes this game that you have to grind and replay.

And i dont grind for exotics. i haven't really gotten a great one just out in the world, (by the time you can beat boss single player, you're going to be high enough level i haven't loved/needed the exotic gun they dropped - Ive probably only got 4 or 5 orange guns total anyway and I'm in second play-through level 48... . but i also say I haven't gotten a great regular gun the entire play through of Pre-Sequel period. Every gun i end up using is one I had to get Gearbox loot keys from offline to use the box in town (had about 135 keys, Id level up, go back to town, get random items from chest which were usually better than what id found, use those; next couple of levels come back and do the same).

So saying you dont have to grind in this game, you do. At least 99% of us do, and Gearbox clearly intends it. And unless you have a multiplayer friend power level you, at some point you're going to be repeating things and staying in areas to level up to grind to be strong enough for the next area (guns/money/xp). You're going to be doing chest runs; (in Claptraps DLC I got to one good spot where glitch guns would spawn in two chests in the town he blew up with "fireworks", i ran that 50+ times? Because i needed the guns. Not fun...). Even doing all the side quests you wont have enough XP.. Single player its the only way to do it without being overwhelmingly over powered at parts..

So i agree with you its a fun game. i agree the jokes are mostly funny the first time. (I like Claptrap even). But I dont agree that its not repetitive (to a fault), and I dont know how the formula doesn't have you burnt out, but it 100% does me.

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@slicknickles - and to be clear, I'm with Dan, this shouldn't be Anthem or Destiny; thats not what I'm saying. i want a single player (buddies could join) Borderlands. i play it single player.
i dont mind the "out dated" gameplay as he said. I'm saying the fact that its a 40 hour game, and anyone who really "plays" these games (like Abby even said), you're putting in 120-160+ hours into it. Its like the game doesn't actually unlock until the third playthrough... The Gods are on my side, I'm factually right, its super repetitive by nature. So with all 3 games still fresh in my memory, we have put 360+hours into this SAME formula, I just cant do more.

Again, if they make it a more interesting and fun single player game; (more dialog, more variation besides "fetch" and "kill" quests, more NPCs in the world, leveling quicker to spec my guy how I want so their powers make them feel different, a way to bring in other characters without replaying the opening hour intro over again, etc...). Id be all for that. But this really looks the same with some small tweaks, (weapons customization could be cool)..

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"What I love about borderlands is that the side content feels meaningful and isn't "go shot the same enemy 100 times for a possible chance you might maybe get a rare gun"

Borderlands has that, but it's not the integral experience.

Disagree whole-heartedly on that one mate. Just factually its one of the most repetitive games Ive ever played. I have played all 3 games and the Telltale game. I love them, but I'm so "over them" now I think? Just burnt out on the formula.
I'm a actually just in the finishing up stage of Pre-Sequel right now, (beat it with Claptrap, but need 5 trophies for platinum - I'm level 48 and grinding to get level 50 for 2 trophies, then I need to level up the other characters to get their specific trophies); and I'm just so burnt out by the boring repetition. The side missions I have to do that were funny once, but not a second time, just to get XP... Its sitting in My PS4 and I cant bare to play it so i keep playing downloaded games instead ha-ha

And i liked the game. Don't get me wrong. But playing through more than once... its so repetitive... At least in the 2nd play through (in Pre-Sequel) they have Tina Tina do a slightly different voice over for the 4 minutes of dialog it adds up to when the Siren is narrating game as the flashback. But I've had to do this same formula in 3 games now... i cant in a 4th...

They 100% make you repeat repeat repeat EVERYTHING. Just to do the trophies for example (which is what they want you to do; they made the trophies), - you need max level 50, (DLC made it higher, but base was 50), and get maxed abilities for Clap Trap. It requires multiple play-throughs and multiple characters (at least played a bit each until they can do the requirements). And if you want exotic weapons they are only dropped by certain guys. And they gimped the drop rates severely on Pre-Sequel... i fought the first guy in the lava cave 30-40 times before I got my fist exotic launcher for the grinder, (then just did the dupe glitch with the cross character box to get enough of it to get the trophy because I couldn't bare to fight him again)..
You cant get to max level without playing through the game almost twice. Then you need to grind on bosses over and over and over for rare drops, and experience. You then play the same god damn boring beginning mission again for each of the other base characters. ive done the beginning mission 5 times in total now... Cant skip anything.

If they want you to play through the game and not get bored (I get that second playthrough is tougher... Wow), and try out all the characters, id say let you level up quicker would be the best thing they could do. Next would be to give the multiple characters some of their own content. Not all different, just a character specific thing in the beginning to give it some variety.
Its a lot to do, but the way they write missions, they are basically fetch or "kill" quests like in MMO's, I dont think it would be that hard actually. (Many other games have done it).
I think that would fix my issues if I knew I was playing through this game once and not repeat repeat repeat until im maxed out.
Most multiplayer bros just go and get power leveled anyway, so leveling quicker it wouldn't hurt anything single player. And the abilities come SO SLOW and drip drop small % by small % on some characters...
I blame Gearbox for this. They had years between games which might have been enough to keep it fresh? But then they went the route of doing collection and HD remakes. it made the other games too recent, and unless 3 has some HUGE surprises, this looks too similar to games they just put out as PS+ games last month (I already had the disc)... That's why the Telltale game was so refreshing for me!

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@forx said:

Dan really does sing like Kermit the Frog and it's the greatest thing

I was done watching this video. And i cant say I'm happy i went back in. But you made me find this, and yeah, 31:40, I cant unhear it now.

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Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and all I want to do is have some fun

Dan: "is this a prayer?". It really did sound like church. Couldn't watch much more than 30 seconds of that first song. Wouldn't touch this game or its song selection with a 1000 foot pole. (ironically most of the the "artists" on here arent singing their own songs either, so thats kind of odd!).

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Edited By squidracerx

@zabiam said:

@maxxcanti: Oh, ok. But then you`d have to buy extra controllers for a handheld system that`s supposed to work on the go. Weird.

Switch Lite... Yup. Not a fan. I'm sure there are people who have all 3 pre-ordered, we can have different opinions - but this is why i think the whole system is an over expensive misstep:

The ONLY selling point is that its $100 cheaper. But if you already have a Switch, its simply $200 wasted. You dont need this if you have a Switch, the Switch is already portable, this is a fact. You are NOT saving money buying something you already have. -- Its like the guy who sees a crappy game discounted to $30 so he buys it claiming he "saved $30", no you wasted $30 on a game you didn't want/need. Its called shopping addiction.

And by them not including the Dock or the extra cables or the Joy-Cons, Nintendo is making so much more money off this, it really should be $150... This is the wrong direction for the 2nd generation Switch, (I think the 2DS tablet was a great move by the way, making it kid friendly and durable, only dropping the 3D which was bad at that point anyway, but the cost went waaaaay down).

"But the new chip they use extends battery life a bit" you say? - well they just announced the regular Switch upgrade to all Switches is the same new chip making it the same battery life.

Switch is already portable! It really burns my butt that all these old games and lesser ports are like Switch's main staple now, (usually more expensive than on other platforms with "Switch Tax"), and when i complained for 2 years that I want new games not these 7 year old ports, the response has been the same line "yeah but now I can play that game portable" as the justification. Now the Lite comes out and people are suddenly like "yeah I dont like the Switch portable, i need this thing". No you dont.

Maybe you are buying this for your kids so they dont touch daddy's Switch? Well it doesn't seem much more durable than the original anyway, (Not like the Wii U tablet or the 2DS tablet), id say wait until the new chip comes out for the new regular Switch in a few months, and just give them your old one!

And what do you lose for that $100 you save? A lot. Yeah rumble, who cares. But also this thing still isn't any more portable than it was before. You weren't fitting a Vita in your pocket either I guess, but for Nintendo to act like this is the portable one? No. And dont forget, the screen is smaller in portable mode on this thing. So you lose screen space, but you still need to carry it in a bag.

And you lose the TV out which is nuts and literally isn't worth the $100 cut. They save $50 not giving you a dock. But with no TV you are losing so much graphically. Plus the idea that kids only want portable? Realistically your kids might want TV out in few years. -- Also, no dock means you are always on battery, so even extended life, think about always being on battery.

And the controller thing -- so to play some games that require motion (some big named games) - losing Ir means you'll have to buy the $80 Joy-Cons, which makes this system basically 100% the exact price! its a total scam, but you dont even get the kickstand so its still not as good.. (And a smaller screen as we said).

Lastly, the biggest thing you should avoid this Switch Lite for - the analog sticks -- the Joy-Cons have had huge design issues, and they wear down and you get stick drift. its well documented, i dont care about the guy with a launch week console saying he doesn't have drift - Nintendo has even acknowledged the drift at this point, just like the Joy-Cons de-syncing, and their are petitions with tens of thousands of signatures on them asking Nintendo to address this. You can send a Joy-Con in, or get a new Joy-Con easy; what do you do when this happens on your system though? Send whole thing in obviously, or just deal with it after warranty... And yes, people have said its the same stick mechanism in the Lite unfortunately.

IMO - (and its just my opinion, that i came to with critical thinking and facts, and laid out why i came to the conclusion I did). If you dont have a Switch, id still say dont buy a Lite, wait a few months until the new chip is in the new Switch models. But its your money. Maybe your rich and wasteful and none of this matters. But for anyone who has a Switch buying this, reflect on what you are doing. Its only $200 sure, but its a mis-step by Nintendo IMO, and these things do have a huge carbon footprint (any electronics do).

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