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Doom Eternal is tough, but still very fun. Also, Animal Crossing is a good way to start the day! Getting my new house in AC tomorrow.

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One Hour In -- Episode #12

Update time! Who's ready to hear what's been going on in the life and times of a simple gamer? No? Well too bad! You're just gonna sit there and enjoy it. Or not, you can leave, that's fine too. Anyway, here we go again!

Great Gobs of Gaming Goodness!

This has normally been the area where I outline what I've been playing, usually that first hour of a select game. Not this week, sorry to say. I've been trying to get through my backlog pile, and it's been slow going. (I still haven't finished Final Fantasy XIII for crying out loud!) That, and I've been having to tighten up my budget after losing the extra income from my former roommate, so less cash for new games. Barring that, I've been planning on going out and digging up some older classics and getting those ready for this blog. So, while my main feature won't be as fresh as it could be (meaning filled with current-gen games) it will still be ongoing, just maybe at a little less frequency! Oh well, we do what we have to to survive!

But, as I said, many much games as of late. Still working on several titles that I should've completed months ago, but I have a tendency to go off and not finish games like I should. (heck, I still haven't finished some PSone games I've got floating around here!) But, I have vowed that I won't purchase any new games until I finish the ones that are on my shelf! So, that may end up being the next feature of this blog, what games I've finished. We'll see about that, considering I think I started something to that effect early on, but abandoned it...

Nothing's set in stone, so all this, even if this thing is months old, is still a work in progress. Hopefully I can get it all locked down, and you'll see me doing my regular thing on a regular basis without any snafus or blowouts. Also, that podcast thing I talked about last time, yeah... not happening, but I never expected it too, so nothing truly lost!

I suppose that's it for now. Please return next week when I will (hopefully) be back to some form of normal. HUZZAH!