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Doom Eternal is tough, but still very fun. Also, Animal Crossing is a good way to start the day! Getting my new house in AC tomorrow.

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The Week's End #1

So... here we are again. I've tried to do this blogging thing, especially here on GB, before. And, for at least a tiny while, it worked. Remember my "One Hour In" blogs? Where I tried to recap what happened in the first hour of a game? Yeah, those were fun, and I liked them just fine, but unfortunately, I couldn't keep up the pace. I didn't have enough games, and I didn't know if I'd constantly have the patience to continually switch to a new game all the time. So, that went away. And then things happened, life got in the way, and y'know, I just got lazy.

But, what's a guy who's natural inclination is to write to do? Well, yeah, write! Duh! So, I'm giving this bad boy another shot, coming in with a whole new format, and pounding out a blog that should make my Momma proud! (if, indeed, my mother was online in any real capacity...) I'll be trying out different styles to this, hopefully settling on one that's good enough. Any suggestion, just let me know!

Let me welcome you to:

The Week's End Blog #1

Welcome, friends, to The Week's End! A little blog that will be devoted to, not only gaming an such, but to general pop culture and my silly musings week in and week out! So, let's get started, shall we?

Possible PS4 Controller Pictures?

You probably all saw these photos of what is, more than likely, the controller design for the next PlayStation (Orbis/PS4) floating around this week. Well, it certainly looks different, but also carries a design aesthetic that makes it familiar, as well. What can all the changes to it entail? Guess we'll have to wait until Wednesday to find out. (well, at least hopefully that's what we'll be seeing on the 20th!)

In the mean time, GamesRadar has a bit of speculation on what may or may not be going on with this thing.

Speaking of Controllers

Either these Dualshock 3's don't hold a charge for long enough, or I don't play my PS3 nearly as much as I should. I mean, I have three, count 'em, THREE controllers for the thing, and I had to charge all of them yesterday. The one I mainly use was low, but when I pulled the other two out of the box I keep all my controllers in, neither one would turn on. Oh well, my problems are soooo numerous...

Also, I really don't like the Dualshock 3 for FPS games. I'm not really knocking it that much, but for what it's worth, I play as many FPS games on my 360 as possible! I like you, PS3, but the 360's controller is just better for those game types.

On the Subject of FPS Games

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I've tried to start playing Killzone 3. Yes, I just whined about the inferiority of the DS3's design for FPSs, but I'll just have to tough it out! Really, though, I do like this series. It looks great, the story is kind of interesting (in that, "hey, let's do something to get dudes to shoot each other" kind of way), and I do like the cover system. It feels weird at first, but once you get used to it, it's a breeze to use. I hope I can muster the interest to make it through to the end. Here's hoping it leaves the door open for future games in the series, maybe for PS4? Who knows, all I know is shooting dudes is still fun in my book.

I Seem to Shoot Many Dudes, Really

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I finally made it to level 50 in Borderlands 2! This did encompass shoot many, many dudes. And critters. And monstrosities. And explosive barrels. And many other things. I did it as Salvador, the Gunzerker. On my own, too. Yep, no co-op, no nothing with anyone else. While I like playing games with others, that's not the case about 98.5% of the time. I'm a loner when it comes to games. I'm one of those weirdos who likes the Call of Duty franchise for the single-player campaign. I rarely, if ever, will play the same game my friends are playing at the same time so they won't invite me to "join their party." I liked the Autolog stuff in Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit, but beyond that, just don't ask me to play with you. I'm sorry if that hurts you feelings, but it's what I do! I guess I enjoy being on my own.

Lonely? No, Not So Much...

Listen, if you didn't know, Valentine's Day was this past week. Now, if you like it, that's fine. If you don't like it, that's okay too. But, leave me out of it either way. I'm almost 32, have only had one girlfriend in my life, and I'm not really interested in any kind of relationship right now. I had to tell off (well, sort of) one of the old ladies that volunteers at my workplace when she started going on and on about me and how I need to, "find someone, blah, blah, blah." Look, it's nice that you're concerned, but I know me better than you know me, and me's okay with what me wants... Uh, right? Anyway, maybe I just dislike holidays that don't let me have the day off and almost forcibly tell me to spend my money on crap that doesn't truly matter in the long run.

I Will Spend My Money on What I Want, Though

Which, funnily enough, is things that I like! Shocker, right? I've just been getting hounded by people who believe that gaming is a "waste of time and money" and believe that it's something not worth pursuing. Even a couple of my so-called "friends" on Facebook have stated as much. Listen, same as with V-Day, I really don't care what you think. I do what suits me, and gaming suits me fine. But, it's not the only thing I'm interested in. I have plenty of hobbies, and ways to relax. I spend far less money on games that so people do on things that are harmful and/or destructive. Give me a break, I'm only doing what I like! I like things you don't! Get over yourself!

Yes, I Like Things That You May Not!

*gasp* and OH NO! Can it be true? Can someone like something that I do not? Can I like something that they do not like? Can we share a planet with such differing opinions?! Turns out, the answer, shockingly, is "yes, Virginia, there is a place for that in our world." Just because I don't agree with you, or you with me, doesn't me we can't be friends or anything. Quite the opposite. I've learned, or the course of the past 30-some-odd years, that people just need to suck it up and get along. Accepting what is different in others isn't necessary, but tolerating them for a while might be. Or something... listen, all this stems from the fact that I'm a Brony (yes, yes, I know what you're thinking...), and some people find that unacceptable. Strangely, they let that one thing define me in their eyes. It ain't that simple, kids. I'm many things, and sometimes one thing. I have phases that I go through, as I'm sure you do. I almost started listing all the "labels" you could ascribe to me, but figured it would be too long to put in here. Suffice to say, I'm me. And isn't that what really counts? But yes, I'm also a Brony.

I Cried at a Cartoon This Morning... About Ponies

Yes, I will admit it. I did cry at the Season 3 finale of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It was just... well, worthy of the shedding of tears. Tears of joy. Tears of sorrow. Tears of... whatever else there was. Hey, when you've spent three seasons watching a character change and grow and become more than she was when her journey started, you tend to get a little misty eyed. Don't tell me you didn't lose it when [insert character here] from [insert show here] had [insert thing that happened here] happen to him/her/it! I mean, I'll probably cry when they finally reveal how Ted meets his kid's mother on HIMYM. In fact, I know I will. All journeys end sometime, I'm just glad that Twilight Sparkle's will continue for at least another season! The same can't be said about some things...

Hasbro, What Are You Doing? Hasbro! STAHP!

Well, I can only lament the loss here, as little to nothing can be done. Oh, what am I talking about? Well, the fact that, maybe, just maybe, a company needs to not go all "C&D Happy" when it comes to fan projects of their IP. Yes, I know the whole thing about protecting your properties, but Hasbro killed something really cool that I was really looking forward to, and it seemed like they were initially not going to kill that thing. I am talking, of course, about Fighting is Magic, the MLP-based fighter that garnered a bunch of attention and looked to be shaping up to be a fun and cool thing. But, I guess since it had to do with the MLP license, Hasbro got all in a tizzy and shut it down. And this was after months, or even years, of work that the team had done. On their own time. With no outside financial backing. But, I guess there's just no satisfying some gigantic corporations... At least Lauren Faust offered to make some original characters to replace the ponies. It just wouldn't be the same... Still, maybe they can salvage it. Who knows?

Well, I suppose that's it for today. I hope I can keep these up, and also keep you all entertained. Please return next week to see what I have in store for you then! Until next time, my friends!

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