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#1  Edited By SteveBIRK

Gears of War 2 title update 2 came out today. I read the patch notes here on Giant Bomb and I was very happy as to what they added. But is all well in the game? I have seen most of the glitches removed but there is one weird one that just happened to my friends. The one friend lagged and looked like he wasn't holding a gun and he said he had infinate ammo. My other friend had the same thing happen to him and then someone on the other team did the same thing. Now I am kinda dissapointed but defiantly not suprised. Epic just can't seem to not have a patch that fixes glitches and then brings new ones. At least the one I have encountered wasn't that bad and only lasted one round. I just hope by Gears of War 3 they can have a multiplayer that isn't riddled with glitches and cheats.

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#2  Edited By SteveBIRK

UGH!! I wantedto play a new FF for the first time this year. But I guess I'm going to have to play all there old stuff until they release 13 and Verues.....whenever that comes out.