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Jackass 3D has reminded me of the Jackass game that came out on PSP and DS.  In no way is it a great game, but I enjoyed it quite a bit.  I'd love to give it another go but  I sold my copy some time ago.  Off to the PSN store on the off chance I can download it to my PSP Go.


My first console experience

I still remember bringing home my first video game console.  I was 4 years old and I'd just gone to the store with father.  The mission had been to come home with a Christmas present for my mother.   
Dad tended to be the type to buy her cheapish jewelry, or perfume on display at the military exchange, or possibly a sweater that went unwanted long enough to end up on the clearance rack.  This time he'd decided to up his game and surprise her with a high tech gift that would have to impress, the brand new Magnavox Odyssey 2.   
Now that we were home things were simple.  All we had to do was get the large console box into the house and hidden in the closet before my mom noticed.  My dad opened the door, peeked inside and made a beeline for the bedroom.   Mission accomlished.   
A  few minutes later my mom walks into the living room and sits down.  "What have y'all been up to?"  Knowing it was imperative that she not find out what we'd bought her, I decided that the best option was flat out denial.  "We didn't buy you a video game for Christmas."  My dad just laughed and said "Surprise!" 
Mom never really took to video games, which worked out great for me.  I pretty much had the thing to myself unless I insisted one of them join me. The first thing I went for were the two racing games that came with the system, Race and Spin Out.  I don't even think I'd really figured out how to race in either game by the time we got our 2600, but that didn't seem to do anything to kill my enthusiasm.  
Easily the thing I played more than anything (until KC Munchkin came out) was Cryptogram, the word scramble game.  Being that I was between 4 and 6 when this happened I wasn't so much playing the game as I was randomly pressing letters and giggling with excitement when I saw something change on the screen as a result.  For years afterwards I'd wonder why the newer game consoles failed to include a keyboard. 
It amazes me to compare that to my own son's first console experience at age 3.  I put him in my lap, turned on my Wii and started up Mario Kart.  I handed him the Wii-Mote inserted into the plastic wheel attachment and watched him successfully complete 3 laps.  It took him 30 minutes to do 3 laps, but he was able to do it with minimal assistance.  His first experience with a keyboard wasn't much later, and within a short amount of time he'd figured out how to get to the website with his educational games, how to pick which game to play, and how to control most of them.    I realize that improved UI and controls is only part of the story, that it has as much or more to do with how much time I spend playing video games or on a computer, and how supportive I am of that behavior in him.  With him getting so much better experience at an even younger age and the inevitable further improvements to the control systems , I can only imagine what it will be like for my future grandson.  Hopefully I'll still be coherent and youthful in spirit enough to sit him on my lap and be amazed by what he accomplishes.