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#1  Edited By Tarakun

I see a thread full of adults who seem to have a sense of entitlement to their M rated games, and it is kind of sickening. It's almost as if once the rating laws don't apply to you, you no longer care that kids and teenagers are in a way discriminated against.  
To be clear, I am 17. These laws no longer affect me, I can walk into any store in the country and buy an M rated game. However, I've been there, and it sucks. I remember fighting with my parents to let me play San Andreas when it was new, and  they didn't relent until I was 15. In a way, I got robbed of the experience of playing that game while it was relevant, and playing it now, while I really enjoy it, it isn't the game changer it was when it was new. 
Let's stop and look for a minute at who the "Gamer" demographic is. I don't have any specific polls to back this up, but I remember reading somewhere that the average gamer is about 29 years old. I believe it to be a fair assumption that game publishers would want to target these people, and thus a lot of games are rated M. I remember during the aftermath of the whole "Hot Coffee" Scandal, the people over at X-Play commented that you would think this would lead to an insurgence of E rated titles. No. It was just M, M, M.  
What kid hasn't wanted to go after the thing the adults tell them is wrong? Adam Sessler talks about exactly this on his Vlog, "Sessler's Soapbox," where he shares his own exploration into literature that in all honesty was deemed "inappropriate for kids your age" by the powers that be. What did Adam Sessler end up doing? He's a journalist.  
Also, if you recall  our own Jeff Gerstmann talked about his music choice as a kid, and this shows his sentiments on this. He listened to nothing but NWA records when he was 13, and would you say it affected him negatively? I would say no, for I am sure that music has influenced his own endeavors. If it weren't for that, there might be no Suburban All-Stars, or Midnight Brown.  
The point is, kids wanting to pursue what is considered too mature for their age is completely natural, and you telling them they aren't ready just encourages them.  
Also, for those of you who grew up in the 16 bit era, don't be such a jerk about this. I'll bet a good majority of SNES owners fully enjoyed Midway's Classic Mortal Kombat, and none of you are any less adjusted because of it. I mean come on, you were all kids once, and you may or may not have had to go through the same thing with your parents. Have a little heart.
As for the OP, I feel for you. It's tough, it sucks, and you just have to beg, borrow, and steal (I do not encourage stealing, it's just a phrase) to get M rated games. But at least it's only until you turn 17. 

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#2  Edited By Tarakun

Games are more fun when played at a desk than on a couch. 
P2P Online should be free. 
Story is not important in games. 
Mouse is still better for shooting than a controller. 
The GBA was better than the DS. 

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#3  Edited By Tarakun

I'm a little sad that they didn't announce a PC version of SSF4, but at this point I'm used to waiting for games. They might bring it over, who knows. For now, I've still got Street Fighter 4. 
Also, I haven't had any problems playing online with the PC version, just make sure you have a good connection.  
As for the piracy thing. Come on man, we're the people who are buying games, because we care about the platform. Telling us to stop pirating is pretty insulting. 

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#4  Edited By Tarakun
@Hamst3r said:
" Grim Fandango. "
This. I don't get why it's not on Steam. I've heard it's amazing, and would buy it in a second if it showed up.
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#5  Edited By Tarakun

I agree with puzzle games and platformers (especially 2D).  
I would like to present 2D Fighting games as well. Playing some Street Fighter 2 never gets old. They're extra great because you can pick them up for the first time and fully enjoy them, which to me is the definition of "ages well." I feel like a newcomer should be able to get into it, and that if a game truly ages well, it doesn't rely solely on nostalgia.  

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#6  Edited By Tarakun

I believe team flashing is an effective form of griefing in Counter Strike Source.  
I would recommend buying Garry's Mod, going onto an RP Server, and ruining their fun. GMod allows you to get creative. I love buying the doors to other people's businesses, and then locking them so they can't get in / out. Also, spawning cars and throwing them at people.  
When it comes to being a dick, you really can't go wrong with Garry's Mod. 

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#7  Edited By Tarakun

My school does the whole dumb 'fake baby' thing. Although we had it in Junior high, and we had the same crying doll things too.  
Luckily, it wasn't part of health class; for us it was part of an elective called Life (basically Home Ec), which, if you weren't an idiot and you took Spanish like I did, you didn't have to take.  Yay! 
 So, I'm sorry I can't relate to you on the whole toy baby project, but I did have to take Health class. Some of that stuff is disturbing. They made us watch a baby being born in 7th grade. Shit was fucked up.  
Also, anyone who considers Sex Ed to be "5 minutes looking at assorted contraceptives before moving on to an entire days worth of ' Here's a picture of Gonorrhea ' ... needs to be shot. 
You can't unsee that stuff man. 
@Geno said:

" Number one way to take care of babies: don't have babies. Done.  "
Also; This. 
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#8  Edited By Tarakun

If the phrase "professional troll" ever meant anything... here it is.  

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#9  Edited By Tarakun

You sir. You win. Seriously. 

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#10  Edited By Tarakun

Hey, in contrast, that interview with Del tha Funky Homosapien looked pretty cool. It actually gets me pretty excited about the score for Skate 3. Something about hip hop and skateboarding just seems right. 
I might pick this up, we'll see. I've never played a Skate game before, although I played some Tony Hawk religiously.