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Well, considering that PS Plus fees are totally optional (unless you want Multiplayer), it adds nothing to the cost. Until the XBL pricing comes out it's all suspect. Let's also keep in mind PS Plus gives you access to free games as well (some Triple A titles)... While they may not be games people are super keyed up for, it's the fact they add MORE value to their services by adding those things in. I'd rather pay 5 bucks a month for a PS+ membership that's across ALL my Sony devices, then 20 bucks a month.

I frankly don't give a shit about the camera, and until such things start offering a much deeper immersion in gameplay based on those devices, I won't be spending any cash on them. Not to mention the whole used game schmozzle that is basically going to cost you more money in the long run for having to buy new games instead of used games. That triple A title I wanted to get but not at full price isn't going to entice me 6 months down the road to buy it for the same price as Day 1.

Until ALL the pricing schemes and content is verified, it's all conjecture and subject to change on a moments notice. Watch and shoot.