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Thoughts on Guitar Hero: Metallica

Well it's not hard to go  to a store and see the pressense Guitar Hero has made for itself.  I would be inclined to say enough is enough, but I don't know if I have had enough.  I certainly have had enough of paying 60 bucks for it.  But for 20, Guitar Hero Metallica is a pretty good deal.  It lets you play almost all the Metallica songs you would want to play.  Sure there are some glaring omisions but a good all around collection all the same.  That makes me wonder why they didn't just put 20 more Metallica songs in the game.  Instead you get "Guest appearances hand picked by the band."  I don't know how far you can believe that.  But when you buy a Guitar Hero game with Metallica branded all over it, you have a good idea what to expect.  I just don't see the point.  Another missed opportunity is the lack of DLC for this game.  Is Metallica doing some other music game deal or what?  The PR spin they had on this was that the band had their hands all over it and yet you can't help but notice the one and done attitude, the complete lack of support.  Sure there was that new album dropping on there but where is the rest of the good stuff?  Just seems like wasted potential to me.  But the fact of the matter is that I like the music.  I might not like the band personalities very much these days, but I do like the music and that is what your paying for.  The music.  And it is some good music.  Music that is fun to play with people and fun to play all by your lonesome.  Plus it seems like the difficulty isn't crazy like it was in other GH titles, that makes it less frusterating which equals more fun.  Add to that the custom charactor editor, the music studio, and the online components, and you have yourself a pretty neat package.   Definately worth the price you can find it for now a days.  I would give it a 6 out of 10 for being a satisfying experience and would recommend it for anyone who has ever liked Master of Puppets.


Good Old Movies

Just watched The Great Escape.  If you haven't seen it I recommend it.  Ofcourse it isn't for everyone.  It takes a real movie fan to understand how older movies worked back when they came out.  You have to understand that they really didn't have special effects back then.  They only had explosives.  Small ones, not big ones.  In my opinnion, those movies are better then movies now a days.  Back then actors really had to act to sell their roles.  They didn't have CG to help them.  You watch a movie with Charlton Heston, Steve McQueen, James Caan, you really see how acting was before all the high tech take over.  Now, don't get me wrong, I have an appreciation for the high tech big budget movies as well.  Just not so much the actors in them.  The story of a movie is always important, but I really admire they way the skill of acting was in it's prime.  Like I said, if you don't mind the fact that the movie is old, you should check out The Great Escape.  

What the heck?

Now I understand that websites aren't run on rainbows and sunshine, it takes cold hard cash to keep a site going.  That said, what is up with these dang commercials before videos on GB?  I can't stand these.  When these guys first started doing ads on their site they promised the community, THEY PROMISED US, that they would never do an ad deal that was obnoxious. (Like other sites do, cough cough)  I feel that this is a direct violation of this promise.  Some of us get a bunch of videos buffering while we do sometihng else.  This means that we start the video and pause it till the whole thing is loaded before we watch it.  Otherwise, I could start a movie and aways into it I am interrupted with a loading video spot which is annoying.  So this is a good work around for that.  BUT with these little video ads infront of all the content, I can't do that.  I instead have to wait until the 20 to 30 second ad is over before I can proceed to load my video.  Maybe I am the only one who finds this annoying, but I doubt that.  I don't mind if you plaster the front page with an ad, like you have done before, but please stop preloading all these ads infront of the good stuff.

Game Related Business

Well I haven't blogged in a bit and a piece so I think it is time to rectify that.  As you might have noticed, I finished playing Riddick, which I think was the last thing I was talking about in my blog.  Since then I have gone through Assassin's Creed II and Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood.  To see what I thought of it you can check the reviews HERE and HERE.  Other then that, I just started Bionic Commando, the new one not the remade old one.  Not much to say yet on it.  It takes some getting used to thats for sure.  And, coming from someone who didn't play the original, the music in this game is just epic.  I even thought to look for it because it is just so great.  On deck, after I finish it, I plan to play through Bad Company (the first one because my PS3 broke before I could really get far into it) and Bioshock (ditto)  I am looking forward to Bioshock because I know that game is good.  I have even managed to stay away from any spoilers for it so I am excited to see what all the fuss was about.  What else?  Matt and I have finished disc 2 in Final Fantasy VIII.  Not much to say on that, I will probably do a full review for it.  I don't know why but I have missed doing reviews.  The whole reason I stopped was because I never thought they turned out good enough.  Now I just don't care anymore.  I will put a review together and put it up and be done with it.  If someone reads it and finds it informative, then that is all the better.  I could never expect to influence someone one way or the other on weither they buy it or not.  There are other people who do that far better then I, but I did have 3 people dig my old reviews so they must be atleast worth while to someone.  And thats great.  I am not really a big cyber person.  I don't really know what the point of blogs are, I don't do forum posts.  I don't even play games online.  All of that is for the same reason.  Should I go into that?  I don't know.  No maybe some other time.  Anyways, game related, thats what is going on.  OH and Dead Space, I have that to play through too.  Gotta say I am interested on how good that is.  I know it also got alot of feedback when it first came out.  Well thats all there is for now.

State of Games

Does it make me a bad person not to pay full price for a game?  If I were to buy new games used, I could see an argument, but to pay 60 bucks every time I wanted to play a game, that just doesn't seem realistic.  Where will it end?  Will games actually get closer to the big 100 in the future?  I think it is just crazy how expensive games are now a days.  I mean I understand that big games have big production and development costs, but 60 dollars really?  I can't remember the last game that I paid full price for.  There really are just too many games out that are worth playing that I would go broke trying to buy them all.  So, like most recently with Assassin's Creed II, I wait for the price to go down.  I jump at the chance to go to my local Walmart because they have a great section for reduced priced games.  A bargin bin of sorts except it is a whole section.  The thing that I give up in this trade off to save some money ofcourse is that the games that I play are not new anymore.  For instance, I just recently got Dead Space.  Picked it up for 20 bucks.  Now from everything I read about that game when it came out, it was well worth 60 bucks.  Now some time has passed and it might not be as new and revolutionary as it once was in it's prime, but for 20 bucks I would buy just about any game.  And I have bought some bad games.  But it is easier to spend 20 then it is to spend 60.  Think of what else you could do with 60 bucks.  You could buy 4 movies with that money.  You could pay a phone bill.  You could take your family out to eat.  You could go to the movie theater, if you cared for that sorrt of thing.  Call me crazy but I just don't see how a game, even a good one, could possibly be worth that much.  At most you get a few days of entertainment but then its over and what becomes of it?  It sits on a shelf for some while others trade it in for what scraps you can get for it at your local "game retailer."  I am sure I can't be the only one who feels this way.  I already know David Jaffe feels the same way about the pricing of games.  Is 10 dollars for 4 hours a good trade off?  I don't know about that.  I don't know how much of a story you can really portray in only 4 hours.  Could you imagine playing a game like Metal Gear Solid 4 if it was only 4 hours long?  Or GTA: IV?  So then what would the solution be to lower prices for games but have them retain their entertianment value?  Episodic content?  I don't think that is the answer, because at the end of the day you still end up spending 60 dollars, or more for a game.  And thats another thing.  This DLC crazy.  Somehow 60 bucks isn't enough anymore they want you to shell out another 10 for a multiplayer map pack.  Now keep in mind this is someone who doesn't play any game online.  For obvious reasons.  And if they aren't obvious to you then you are probably the reason for it.  Anyways, I have a hard enough time explainging to my wife, who is not a gamer, why Assassin's Creed II is worth the 40 bucks I spent on it  Maybe it is just the value of the dollar hits home more now a days then it used to.  Yet even in a crummy economy, they still pump out "gotta have" games.  The list of such games, that I had every intention of playing but probably won't get to, is so long that games just fall off the end.  Like Mirror's Edge.  I had every intention of playing that when it came out.  And even after the reviews for the game were in, it still seemed like an experience worth having, I just had to wait for the price drop.  Now you can't even find that game anymore and with talk of Mirror's Edge 2 on the horizon, it is doubtful I will ever get to it.  That makes me think that I am missing something great.  Not exactly Mirror's Edge, but... well take for example Uncharted.  The first one.  I wanted to play that game because it looked awesome.  Then tome passed and it was still 60 bucks.  More time passed but no price drop.  Then I forgot about it.  Luckily I was at Kmart one day and happened to see it in a stack at the bottom of the display case.  If I had not gone to that Kmart, I would have never played Uncharted and I would have missed out on a great game experience.  I don't know what the solution is but I do know that I can't afford to buy Borderlands, Fallout 3, Batman Arkam Asylum, Modern Warfare 2, etc etc for 60 bucks a pop.  Not to mentiont all the games coming out this year that will be spectacular.  Maybe it is just me, but there doesn't seem to be a way where everybody wins.  Someone always has to lose.

Thoughts on Dark Athena Part Two: Assault on Dark Athena

I just wanted to put down a few things that I didn't cover in my review.  Since I blogged about Butcher Bay I wanted to blog about the other half of the Dark Athena package.  By all accounts I thought that Dark Athena was a much better campaign then Butcher Bay.  The pacing was better, they didn't try to throw in all those side quests, and there was never a time when I didn't know exactly where I was supposed to go.  That being said, I hated the end of the game.  You have a great story up until you get out of Dark Athena.  Why doens't the game end there?  Why do you have to drag it around a planet for a good 5 or 10 hours?  I understand how they wrapped it up in the end but it just seemed to break up the action.  You are grooving along getting the feel for the place and bam, you lose all you weapons all the high tech stuff and you even lose the shadows for the most part.  It was like a dead stop in terms of story flow.  I could have done without it to be honest.  But what do I know.  And if you read the other part of the post you can imagine my disappointment when I find out that the same loading screens from BB are back in DA.  That was a shock.  I thought the reason they were in BB was because it was an older game that was ported.  Oh well.  All in all, I thought the story had more good times then bad and it was only a 20 PS3 game.  You can't really fault it too much when you take all that into account.

PS3 Still Broken

Title says it all.  At this point I don't really know what I should do.  I played through Uncharted with no problems at all but now as I am playing through Dark Athena my system has crapped out on me twice.  It happens when I quit the game.  The screen will go black as it always does as it switches from playing a game to the XMB, but it never gets to the XMB.  This second time the sparkle came up but it was still a black screen, just with sparkle.  I don't even have that turned on, I use the original theme not that sparkly nonsense.  I know I could send it in to get it serviced again.  I do need that HDD cover fixed as I mentioned in a seperate post, but then what?  This isn't even the same PS3 it is a different "referbished" one.  I would normally think its the game's fault for this but it doesn't freeze while I am playing.  I am starting to think that this model isn't usable anymore.  What with all the support going to the new slim models.  I wonder if anyone is still using a launch PS3.


Thoughts on Dark Athena Part One: Escape from Butcher Bay

Well I just  typed up a good ol' blog about Butcher Bay but damn internet crapped out and I lost it all so you will have to make due with what I can remember from it.  Butcher Bay is a pretty good game.  The team did a good job bringing it back to the current generation of consoles.  But since it is really a port at heart, you have to go in expecting some bumps in the road.  The biggest one that sticks out are the loading screens.  These are frequent and take 5 to 10 seconds to load up a new section.  Plus the fact that when you die it has to load all over again, that really takes you out of the experience.  I was even tempted to get a drink while I waited.  I didn't though.  Dying is another thing that is frequent.  I know I am not the best FPS player in the world but I am competent.  Some parts of the game just seem jacked when it comes to difficulty.  I suppose if you take into account that it really is as much a stealth game as it is an action game, you have to expect to take alternate routes to get an objective, but there really isn't a clear way of knowing one way or the other.  The Mines section is the worst example of this.  I must have back tracked five times trying to figure my way through there.  Not to mention that I had all these side quests that I was going to do but couldn't because when you reach a certain point you can't go back.  I just simply could not figure out how I was supposed to get back to those people and pretty soon it wasn't even an option.  All that aside though, Butcher Bay really does a good job of letting you feel like you are Riddick.  The eyeshine part is kind of weird but very well executed.  At first I had to turn the gamma up on the video option  just because I couldn't see the walls in the dark sections.  But once you get that eyeshine job, you never have to worry about not seeing again.  Along with the great story is an equally compelling sound job.  If you have seen the movies you know how this game is going to sound.  Vin does a Vin-tastic job of being very Vin-like.  Some people like that some don't, I personally think it suits the game quite well.  Either way, keeping in mind that the game was a throw in to sweeten Dark Athena, you can't give too much crap to BB.  And at the end of it all I was satisfied with the experience and that is all that matters.  I will have to finish Dark Athena before I can recommend it or not so stay tuned for part two.

Thoughts on Uncharted

Wow.  This game was made in 2007 and here it is 2010 and that game is still amazing.  Naughty Dog did just about everything right on this one.  The story is epic, the characters are excellent, the sequences just awe inspiring.  If it weren't for but a few things, this game would be the ultimate example of a perfect game.  Unfortunately it is not a perfect game.  There is alot of frusteration in the game along with all the greatness.  I don't want to get to review-y on this just my experience playing through the game.  I played on normal difficulty and died alot.  Not because of getting shot nessecarily, but because of quirks in the game.  Sometimes when you jump for example, you don't go where you expect to go.  Sometimes when you walking along a ledge, you don't go where you thought you were going to go.  And then there is the gun play.  It isn't good.  I, along with everyone else who has heard of this game, heard the term bullet sponges.  Now I know.  It doesn't take one shot or two shots to kill the enemy.  It takes five sometimes seven shots.  I swear towards the end, it took 10.  Leaving you with quite the problem when the ammo is pretty limited in some areas.  This hand to hand isn't especially great either.  The only other thing that comes to mind is that in some places you are left wondering where to go next.  This is limited though and the game does a pretty good job of pointing things out to you.  But you know what?  Even with those flaws, this game is still pretty damn amazing.  9 out of 10 and highly recommended!

More Servicing Woes

Well aside from all that data loss, the other thing that happened is the HDD cover broke off.  Seriously.  All I did was lift it out of the box and clink, the plastic cover fell off.  One of the prongs broke and the other was bent.  I didn't think to mention it in the other post because I thought they would send a replacement out to me.  Nope.  Not how it works.  Apparently to get that little problem fixed I have to send the whole thing back in.  Seriously?!?  Thats what good old Customer Service told me when I called.  I just got the thing back yesterday after not having it for 3 weeks and now you are going to tell me I have to send it back again and be without it for another 3 weeks?  Oh but luckily it is free, I won't have to pay another 180 bucks to get this issue fixed.  Good.  Thanks.  I tell you if I wasn't such a die hard Sony fan I would consider moving over to Microsoft's camp.  This whole ordeal has just been one thing after another.  Maybe I will just tape the dang thing.
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