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Impenetrable Wall of Wavy Execution Gravy.

I'm afraid I Review Stupid Things #3 is going to have to wait a little longer, without a scanner I can't show you the wonders of videogame manuals, as i've been unable to track down the ones I want to talk about online. Shame.

For now, i'm going to talk about some recent experiences in attempting to enjoy the Nintendo Wii.

Now, as we all know, so called 'hardcore' games such as Street Fighter 4, Halo, Gears of War, Counter Strike, Soul Calibur, MMO games high level content etc are often reffered to as being stuck behind an impenetrable wall of execution, and inaccesable by the majority who lack the time or skill to dedicate themselves fully to the experience and up their game to its highest level. Now, i'm fine with that, and even enjoy a lot of high level play myself. But it brings me to the point of this article, I'm ok with pressing buttons, and I thought I was fine with motion controls, but it turns out. I'm not, sort of.

These guys have steadier hands than I do
These guys have steadier hands than I do
I'm attempting to play Trauma Center: Second Opinion on Wii, after failing miserably to play the DS version. And it has come to my attention that no matter what I thought my opinion was, I loathe complex motion controls, now I know what it feels like for someone who wants to play Street Fighter against me but can only button mash, or Shoryuken over and over. So I can't progress to the next level and see the rest of the game because I can't draw a fucking star in the air fast enough? Holy shit that's harsh. I don't remember a game frustrating me in this same manner since Metropolis Street Racer (which most of you will know as Project Gotham, but with an insanely strict kudos system that governed progression)

I thought this might be a one off case, but when I began to think about it I realised that I had a similar experience with Castlevania DS, I was fine at the game itself, but unable to get past the later bosses because my giant man-hands couldnt draw a complex pattern on the screen in time to 'seal' the boss away. And again had a similar experience with certain aspects of Manhunt 2 and No More Heroes, certain aspects of the control scheme I could not get to register properly because I was not thrusting the controller accurately enough for the games liking.

Now, I love the Wii, and the DS and have had hours and hours of fun on each, but I fear to enjoy future Wii games I will have to break this wall of execution, something I didn't know I would have to do for a casual game system (supposedly) anytime soon. But unfortunately, it's not just one game, or one game mechanic hidden behind this seemingly unbreakable wall, it's an entire consoles library trapped behind this transparent overlord of frustration. For now I have moved on to something simpler, I've just finished House of the Dead: Overkill, because i'm fairly decent at light gun games without having to worry about odd motion controls throwing me off. I really enjoyed it, much more than I thought I would, definately reccomended to anyone who hasn't played it and is looking for a short burst of entertainment on their Nintendo Wii.

I will be returning to Trauma Center though, i'm determined not to let that stupid star pattern win.

Wish me luck! I guess!