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I got me 4 points!

    Today was the first day I really got to take apart the Bomb. I'm happy to say it works really well. I submitted some info on The House of the Dead series, and they got back to me later that night. A whole 4 points! W00t! It's not much, but at least I'm on the board.
    As I was waiting for that to process, I submitted roughly 200 screenshots from various games. I'll be interested to know how they will judge the point value on them. I'm really just trying to get to the 1000 point freedom mark. That way it'll be easier to edit little mistakes like forgetting a comma or spelling kat with a c. Ya know, little crap like that.
    I also discovered that Giant Bomb is lacking in the decade old arcade shooter department. I enlightened them so don't worry they know about Evil Night, CarnEvil, and Action Hero now (Disaster Averted). Also, I'm anxious to know if they plan to recognize and make pages for user/fan made games. I submitted a request for Streets of Rage Remake as a test.
    This brings me to my last endeavor this evening. Trying to get Ronald McDonald a page. I mean, The Burger King has one why shouldn't the clown? My excuse? He was a character in M.C. Kids for the NES therefore making him a video game character. If they buy into my bullshit, look for his page in the future. On the epic note, later.