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Average score of 10 user reviews

Third Time's The Charm (Dark Souls III Review) 0

When Demon's Souls released in 2009, I heard talk of its high level of difficulty and strong following that quickly formed but because I was an Xbox 360 owner, I wasn't able to experience it. Looking back though, I know I wouldn't have enjoyed it as my understanding of the mechanics hadn't developed nor had my patience and determination. Dark Souls & Dark Souls 2 followed with me giving both of them a go but the difficulty proved that I had not yet formed the required skill set for me to gle...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Finding Fun In Repetition (The Division Review) 0

Ubisoft Massive first showed off The Division during Ubisoft's E3 press conference in 2013 and after two delays, released the game three years later in early 2016. Massive was not the only developer on this title as more and more developers were added to this enormous project over the years. These developers included Ubisoft Reflections, Red Storm Entertainment, and Ubisoft Annecy. The point of this is that with this many developers working on the game, people began to expect massive (pun intend...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Udam Bro? (Far Cry Primal Review) 0

If you have ever played the Far Cry series then you know how the game goes. End up stuck on an island and for some reason you are the only character who seems to be able to do anything to stop the bad guys and find ways to survive. Primal takes a very different spin on things as the previous games were focused on recent times and this one focuses in a completely different time period: 10,000 B.C.E. Whereas this opens up a whole new world of possibilities for Ubisoft, the developer and publisher....

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

For Super Earth! (Helldivers Review) 0

If we are going to be completely honest when it comes to free games that the PlayStation 4 provides every month, most of us know that the games you download, play for a few hours (if that), then they are either just extremely boring or repetitive. Most of the time I end up deleting them from my hard drive and they sit in my library, never to be played again. This month, however, one such game has dragged me in so deep that I have been constantly playing it at least every other day. This game is ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Falling With Repetitive Style (Gravity Rush Remastered Review) 0

Gravity Rush Remastered is the Playstation 4 port of what was originally a Playstation Vita game that released in 2012. To my understanding, that game flew under most people's radar as no one I know had heard of the game. I learned about it when the second game was announced and that there was going to be a port of the original. I didn't think much about it as it sounded like a niche game that wouldn't necessarily appeal to me. I saw it come up as a suggestion on Amazon when purchasing another g...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Not Your Average LEGO Game 0

Let me get one thing clear from the beginning. The review's title is not the good connotation usually implied with that specific euphemism. I'm the type of gamer that has enjoyed nearly every LEGO game that I've played. Potentially I might have only played the really good ones up until now but regardless, I do not consider this game to be of the same quality as the previous LEGO games that I've played; especially nowhere nearly as good as the previous LEGO Marvel game. As the second LEGO Marvel ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

No, Not THAT Syndicate Game 0

Assassin's Creed Syndicate is a return to form for Ubisoft. Not only is it able to inject new life into the series but it brings the franchise back to where it started; not in terms of story and setting but in terms of structure. Sure, there's new and improved mechanics but Assassin's Creed Syndicate is a solely single-player game. This allowed Ubisoft to focus all of its efforts on creating an well polished experience without having to worry about extra bells and whistles that were only ever m...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Boom! Butterfly Effect! 0

When I first started playing the game I really wasn’t sure what to expect. Horror games have that challenge to really scare the people that are playing it and personally scary movies usually don’t do it for me unless they are superb. Until Dawn was different than any other horror game I played in the sense that I felt it kept drawing me back to play it more and I became extremely attached to some characters, making me act like any human would trying to save the ones they care about m...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

It's A Mad, Mad World. 0

Back in 1979, George Miller created a world that despite being relatively empty (population wise), felt extremely lived in. The people that inhabited the wasteland were dirty, brutal, and unforgiving. Now, nearly forty years since the original movie, Avalanche Studios has released a game that replicates that same feel of grit and grime.Mad Max takes place in the world established by the movies but leaves the familiar stories alone in favor of crafting a new one. The narrative of the game is muc...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

"It's Them! Blast Them!" 0

First off if you knew what this review was about by just reading the quote then you are a true Star Wars fan, bravo! Funny business aside this was my most anticipated game of the year for many reasons. I consider myself to be a big Star Wars fan and to actually be able to play as my favorite characters in a video game is extremely exciting to me. The game was developed by EA DICE, with help from Criterion Games, published by Electronic Arts, and distributed by Lucasfilm Ltd. Now that you know ho...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.