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My neighbors are real fucking weird.

Seriously they're practically fucking stalking my house. they are blocking my houses drive way and are basically staring at my houses back door.
The worst part is their teasing my damn dog, I'm trying to get the fucker in the house and they keep talking to him.  As I type this my dipshit neighbor is still fucking talking to my dog. 
He's gotta be under the influence.  Now I may be wrong but chilling inside a car in front of my house, blocking my driveway may be little weird, actually I take that back it is weird. 
The worst part about this blog is I'm not lying lol. 
EDIT: Problem solved.  But honestly thank god he left cause I be leaving my house in about a half hour or so and I didnt want to have to leave with him in the driveway. If your wondering why I waited for awhile before I did anything was mostly because I thought they would go away without me having to say anything.