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The Rage An MK vs DC Free Kick

This  is my first blog on Giant Bomb... After a disgusting display of ingnorance and small man syndrome over on Gamespot I have thrown in the towel on their Network and allowed them to kiss my arse as i walked out the door.   That place has turned to shit.

Anyway on the with the rant.   No doubt a lot of you are firmly aware of Mortal Kombat vs DC and what i'm thinking will outsrip Street Fighter IV.  I've been tracking the game for a little while now and i'm fascinated by one game mechanic in particular ... The Rage .    As it stands within the game at the moment to have Rage kick in seems to be a combonatioin  of getting a bit of a beat down and pulling off special moves and key attacks.   My major concern with this however is how much it will factor in when playing with others online.  

For instance ,  you join a match and one player is very skilled while the other is only somewhat proficient with the characters and their methods of attack.  The Pro player is enjoying smacking the n00b about the place and thinking Ha this guy has only beat me down to half my health and in 2 more blow's he's going down.  But wait .  Whats this ,  Oh no he's glowing with Rage.  When consumed by Rage the player has no control over the Character and from what i understand the AI is able to pull off all the moves within its Arsenal without the players input what so ever .  A great idea for people less proficient with fingers and thumbs but what about the Pro player that is feverishly mashing away on buttons with the timing and procision of a pilot inverted flying at 25ft of the ground to cut ribbons set up along the runway at 200 mph.

Even worse still is the fact that i for one would be actively trying to initiate Rage simply to give the hands a break during a long battle.  Now keep that part in mind because i'm sure there will be like minded people out there.  Here's the scenario i ran by in my head.  I'm Playing the Flash against a MK character and i'm a good player while the other guy / girl isn't quite up to speed.  I play a round or 2 and think to myself wow this is a bit to easy i may let up on them a little bit and use only light and medium attacks to draw a fight out.  This will inevitably initiate The Rage.  Rage kicks in and within seconds i'm fighting for my life agains't a somewhat lesse skilled player and your sitting back thinking why is this mechanic done this way?  Shouldn't it ALWAYS be the character in control.  I mean Sure have Rage in the game but perhaps make it so that it still requires imput from the player.  Perhaps allow the Rage Induced player to make all of their hits do maximum damage whether it be from a light attack or strong.   I do like the idea of Rage but i'm a little concerend for those of us that like to win on their own merits and skill.  Sure a Skilled player is going to work around all of this but if it turns out that people learn to take advantage of it just to get a Flawless Victory  / Fatality
then where is the fun in that ?   I've got the game on Pre-Order and can't wait and i guess time will tell how this mechanic is utilized by people but i'm hoping its not going to be the soft option victory for people.  Perhaps there will be settings to allow Rage or Not.  That would be a great feature in the Server Setup i think.

So what are you thoughts on it. I'm all for Rage as a game mechanic as long is its not a game breaker for the people to simply sit back on and watch the carnage while they dip into the chips packet for a victory .



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Edited By TheJadeAngel

This  is my first blog on Giant Bomb... After a disgusting display of ingnorance and small man syndrome over on Gamespot I have thrown in the towel on their Network and allowed them to kiss my arse as i walked out the door.   That place has turned to shit.

Anyway on the with the rant.   No doubt a lot of you are firmly aware of Mortal Kombat vs DC and what i'm thinking will outsrip Street Fighter IV.  I've been tracking the game for a little while now and i'm fascinated by one game mechanic in particular ... The Rage .    As it stands within the game at the moment to have Rage kick in seems to be a combonatioin  of getting a bit of a beat down and pulling off special moves and key attacks.   My major concern with this however is how much it will factor in when playing with others online.  

For instance ,  you join a match and one player is very skilled while the other is only somewhat proficient with the characters and their methods of attack.  The Pro player is enjoying smacking the n00b about the place and thinking Ha this guy has only beat me down to half my health and in 2 more blow's he's going down.  But wait .  Whats this ,  Oh no he's glowing with Rage.  When consumed by Rage the player has no control over the Character and from what i understand the AI is able to pull off all the moves within its Arsenal without the players input what so ever .  A great idea for people less proficient with fingers and thumbs but what about the Pro player that is feverishly mashing away on buttons with the timing and procision of a pilot inverted flying at 25ft of the ground to cut ribbons set up along the runway at 200 mph.

Even worse still is the fact that i for one would be actively trying to initiate Rage simply to give the hands a break during a long battle.  Now keep that part in mind because i'm sure there will be like minded people out there.  Here's the scenario i ran by in my head.  I'm Playing the Flash against a MK character and i'm a good player while the other guy / girl isn't quite up to speed.  I play a round or 2 and think to myself wow this is a bit to easy i may let up on them a little bit and use only light and medium attacks to draw a fight out.  This will inevitably initiate The Rage.  Rage kicks in and within seconds i'm fighting for my life agains't a somewhat lesse skilled player and your sitting back thinking why is this mechanic done this way?  Shouldn't it ALWAYS be the character in control.  I mean Sure have Rage in the game but perhaps make it so that it still requires imput from the player.  Perhaps allow the Rage Induced player to make all of their hits do maximum damage whether it be from a light attack or strong.   I do like the idea of Rage but i'm a little concerend for those of us that like to win on their own merits and skill.  Sure a Skilled player is going to work around all of this but if it turns out that people learn to take advantage of it just to get a Flawless Victory  / Fatality
then where is the fun in that ?   I've got the game on Pre-Order and can't wait and i guess time will tell how this mechanic is utilized by people but i'm hoping its not going to be the soft option victory for people.  Perhaps there will be settings to allow Rage or Not.  That would be a great feature in the Server Setup i think.

So what are you thoughts on it. I'm all for Rage as a game mechanic as long is its not a game breaker for the people to simply sit back on and watch the carnage while they dip into the chips packet for a victory .

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Edited By TheJadeAngel

After some digging around and a few Interview clips later it seems my fears of Rage being out of control of the players hands was for naught .   I'm happy to report that the Rage Mechanic of the MK vs DC game is very much player controlled.  Let the Brutalities/Fatalities Rain up the unsuspecting . :P

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Edited By SathingtonWaltz

Yea, it's not the rage mechanic thats bad, its some of the character balancing. Other than that though, the game is pretty outstanding.