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The Beauty that is an Awesome Sidequest

This could be a whole separate post of me talking about how awesome Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask is, but that'll come later.

The one single thing that really stands out to me about that game is the sidequests.

With tons of characters who's models were recycled from Ocarina of Time, on the surface it may just seem like a cheap cash in. But this time, they're real people. The sidequest where you drive into town with a woman that works on her farm with her little sister, the dialogue during that sidequest is truly awesome.

And these aren't your normal "I dropped an item in a forest/dungeon. Could you get it for me?" or, "My pet/child is lost in a forest/dungeon. Could you get it/them for me?" these are full on character driven sidequests.

Though Fallout 3 did have some major flaws in it, some of the quests in that game (don't worry no spoilers ahead) were really original and fun. Also, I really like Mass Effect, not for the types of quests you do, but for the way they are presented in the universe.

If you really think about it, what really is a sidequest? Something that doesn't relate to the main journey, but contains the main gameplay core as well? Majora's Mask, in my opinion, is the best example of something like that.

What are some of the favorite "sidequests" you've ever been on or what game do you think had the best "sidequests?" Comments appreciated!