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My New Instrument :)

Well, after 7-9 months of anticipation, frustration and excitement, the day has finally arrived. One amazing instrument was delivered to my house around 1:25pm today. This my friends is my Contrabass Clarinet.

Yes, I am a band geek, hence my geekdum towards this. The fact that only about 500 of these are made a year, and I get to have one is somewhere up between fucking amazing and an honor. The thing is huge, its about 6 feet tall, so its only a little taller than I am. It plays beautifully. I've never heard such a low note. It's so low, it actually rattles. The high notes sound just as solid as the low notes. Overall, I've never played such an amazing instrument.

This is my Bass Clarinet case up against my Contrabass Clarinet case. Yeah, this thing is twice as big as the instrument I've played for 5 years. Between this and Tuba, its going to give my lungs a workout =).

This is my Contrabass up against my bed (My bed is high off the ground). Its really the only thing I could lean it against to take pictures of it standing up. Plus I needed a picture to show people what it looks like 

Putting it together is somewhat of a pain seeing as it's tall and in an awkward shape, but it isn't much of a problem. I'm more worried about transporting the thing, seeing as the case is huge. But I'll figure that out later. I just can't believe that I finally have this thing! I can already hear my band instructor creaming himself because of how awesome this thing is. For the first time, I can not wait for school to start and show this thing off  =)