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I have a brand new laptop with windows 8! I guess that I've now been upgraded! It's also cool to see that it has a touch screen.

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A critical accident that happened by mistake. (update)

 Ok, Sunday I was updating my dad's 8 year old laptop computer because it's quite a dinosaur. I was installing the Windows XP Service Pack 2 update on his laptop. It didn't install, and it was uninstalling itself. My foot accidentally got caught to the power cord and the power cord came loose from the computer during the installation, so the computer went off because the computer must be plugged into the wall for it to work. When I tried starting it again, it would start like it was supposed to, but then I would get a blue screen with an error message, then the computer would restart itself. Contacted the security people yesterday and told us to look for the operating system disc that came with the computer. So we was expecting a call today to see if the computer can be saved because we did find the disc yesterday, but they never called back. Perhaps tomorrow we''ll give them a call. I highly doubt that the computer will be saved, and something tells me that no one will be able to use it anymore. So, I'm pretty much upset because of that accident happening because we'll be losing a computer.
**Update** The computer was able to be saved, without thanks of the security people. All of the programs that was on the laptop was erased, but I did my best to get back some of the most necessary things back on my dads laptop. All there is to do now is to install the security, and it's ready to roll. Hopefully it won't happen again. I thank you all for trying to help me.**
So, have you made a mistake that made you lose or damage something that cannot be fixed? Perhaps you made a bad mistake, but was lucky enough to solve it or get it fixed? Please share your opinions, comments, stories, or questions that you may have for anyone or me. See you all later, and until next time.