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Stupidity in Action

 Well, this is a blog were everyone and anyone can post the most ridiculous and stupid stuff that can be thought of for a nice gut busting laugh. Pictures, sayings, poems, and anything else that is stupid can be posted here!! Here are some sayings that have been something that my family tells people to make them have a good laugh.

Since Christmas is coming up, here is something to make ya’ll laugh that doesn’t exactly refer toward anything that is Christmas, but more of a re-wording from the Christmas jingle, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. : - P Enjoy.

Randolf, the bald headed Cow-poke, had a very shiny Gun.....and if you ever saw it, you would turn around and Run!!!
All of the other Cow-pokes used to laugh and call him names.... They would not let poor Randolf play in any poker games!!!!
Then one foggy Christmas Eve, the Sheriff came to say, Randolf with your Gun so Bright, won't you shoot my wife tonight!!!
Then how the other cow-pokes loved him as they shouted out with glee.... Randolf the bald headed cow-poke now lives in the State Penitentiary!!!!

Here are some other sayings for a good gut busting laugh.

There was once a farting Sea Monster that sniffed the butt of a farting lobster!   Oh what a smell that was let out, it made the sea monster cry and pout! Up come the bubbles from the sea, as this is no place you want to be.   Oh what a smell, oh what a sight, of the stench from the sea at night!!   

Here’s another saying.

Now it is time to play Johnny Carson, There is no need to ask the Parson.   All you need is a trench coat and a smile, stand in the middle of the road for a while.   Now here comes a car driven by Bonnie, Open the coat and exclaim "Here's Johnny"!!!!

And another...

Great Pills means better thrills. Don't rely on bugs, take the finest drugs! Drinking liquor is all fine and well, take green pills for your feet to swell!  Snorting white powder is a drag, Snort insect repellent out of a bag, If you think this is not for you, let's visit the monkey at the Zoo!

Am I finished? Nope!!

Danger! Danger! Danger!, Yogi Bear killed The Ranger,  Boo Boo ran off with the Ranger's Wife, Smokey stabbed Dudley Do-Right with a Knife.  The sheriff is in the woods in a big fix, as little Miss Muffet has her pants down in the sticks.

Not finished yet!

Mary had a little lamb, fed it castor oil, every time it jumped the fence, it fertilized the soil!!

Well, I had my share of posting some stupidity. Please feel free to share anything that you think that may be stupid. Hope that you Giantbombers enjoyed these sayings, and see you all later!!! : - D

-Tireyo643 (Ty)