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I have a brand new laptop with windows 8! I guess that I've now been upgraded! It's also cool to see that it has a touch screen.

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The Elite Status Platinum Reward has arrived, and more.

 Well for those who don’t know, I got the Elite Platinum Status Reward from Nintendo by filling out surveys on what I think about games. I got the Mario Hat instead of the Doc Louis’s Punch Out game that is downloadable through WiiWare. Here are some pictures of the Mario Hat.

The Mario Hat is extremely fluffy, and it is quite a nice replica of Mario’s Hat. I wouldn’t recommend on wearing it regularly, (you'll burn up!) but ya’ll have no idea what comments and smiles I’ve gotten yesterday when I was wearing that hat in public for fun. : - P I was out yesterday because I had to get some new glasses. 
Since Halloween is soon, that hat would top off the Mario look if one had a red shirt and overalls. I don’t dress up for Halloween anymore as I just grown out of the phase I guess. I just get my own candy now, because we got too many trick-or-treaters two years ago. Over 300 people came for candy, and a lot of them were grown-ups instead of children. Plus, I can’t really afford to do Halloween anymore.

Anyways, I think you guys and gals are wondering what comments I got when wearing that hat in public yesterday. I was in Hardees getting breakfast. This old guy on oxygen asked me, “How much do they pay you to wear that hat, $100?” I said, “Nah, I’m just wearing for fun, and I got it in the mail.” You know that old guys don’t pay much attention to video games, so I told them whose hat I was wearing. : - P

At JCPenny, there was a group of people that just stared at me with this hysterical laughter being seen in their eyes. They didn’t want to laugh right at me, but they certainly did when they left the store. I waved, so they knew that I was ok with it.

I had a lot of people stare at me, laugh at me, and smile at me. It was really fun to do yesterday, but when it was all over and done with, I became extremely tired and stressed. I stressed because it took longer than expected to get the glasses and do everything in between. I had an accounting assignment that was due yesterday, and I didn’t finish it. I felt so bad that I couldn’t really work on it yesterday because I was exhausted and irritable. Ever since I took that Swine flu shot Thursday, I’ve had an unusual drowsiness and restlessness Thursday and Yesterday, so the Swine Flu shot didn’t really help at all.

College has taken its toll on me lately, and it’s been rough on doing the assignments they throw at me. I found out yesterday that my mom had cancer again; quite a big day for me yesterday wasn’t it? I know that she’s going to be alright, because she is quite a fighter. Also, the cancer is shrinking too and it’s caught early, which is treatable and wonderful. I'm not worried, and my mom isn't either.

I haven’t been able to play any games lately, so that sucks. Whenever I do have the time, I play The Sims 3 of course. I’m excited for the release of New Super Mario Bros. Wii coming out November 15.

Well, this blog is long enough. That’s what I’ve been up to lately, and I’m happy that I received my Mario Hat. Got any questions or comments for me, I’ll get to you eventually. Sorry that my thoughts are scattered in this blog, but I'm still tired. Hopefully everything makes sense and is clear to understand.

Peace out home dogs, and have a Happy Halloween,
