Getting to know Giant Bomb

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#1  Edited By HazBazz

So who didn't love Aaron Thomas's video series 'Getting To Know Gamespot'? Nobody, thats who! So I thought I'd recreate the interview, and ask you, the users of Giant Bomb, the hard hitting questions. Just answer these questions in your own post, and lets learn a little something about each other. Answer as fully as you can, its no fun reading one word answers.

What is your name, your job, and how long have you been doing it?
What does that job involve?
What was the first video game system you played/owned, and what was your first game?
Have you ever played with or against somebody famous? (I'm gonna guess no for most of us :P)
Have you ever lost to a girl?
What do you think of cheating in games? Do you use cheat codes/walkthroughs?
Are you a controller tosser? If not, what do you do when you get angry at a game?
What is your guilty pleasure game?
Is your home / room / desk messy?
Whats the coolest thing you own?
Have you ever dressed as a videogame character?
If you could have a cameo in any game, what would it be and why?
Interview over! What are you gonna go do now?
Thanks and see you around the forums

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#2  Edited By HazBazz

I'm Harry and I'm unemployed. Been doing that for 17 years. It involves sitting around and surfing the interwebs.

The first system I owned, I think it was called an Amiga 500. The games came on floppy disks, they took a million years to load, but it was awesome. I had this game called Kid Gloves, which from what I remember was a sort of action platformer, which I was completlety addicted to. The first mainstream console I owned was a SNES, and to this day Mario World is still my favorite game of all time.

I've never played against anyone famous. I got an achievement for playing against a Neversoft employee once, but it turns out it was one of those 'contageous' achievements.

My girlfriend is a master at DDR, so I've lost to her plenty of times. And my mum could kick all your arses at Tetris.

I'll never cheat when going through the main story of a game, but once all thats done, I'll use the cheats to have some fun. In games like GTA, thats what the cheats are there for. Nothing beats turning off the cops, getting a load of rocket launchers and going crazy.

I'm not a controller tosser. However, I play games on my bed, so what I tend to do is slam the controller down on my matress to get rid of stress. Then maybe hit the bed a few times, swear, and relax.

My guilty pleasure game is Konami Krazy Racers for the GBA. Its a pile of shit, a total rip-off of Mario Kart, and features a load of characters I've never heared of, but something about just makes me keep digging it out of my collection every so often. And the theme tune is unmatched by any other game.

My bedroom is a fucking pigsty. Clothes all over the place. My computer desk isn't so bad, but I have tendancy to let cups and mugs build up.

The coolest thing I own is this tshirt

I've never dressed as a video game character, but I'd be more than willing to dress up as something stupid for haloween. Like a zombie Mario. Oh, that would be awesome...

If I could have a cameo in any game, I'd want to be some guy in the Warioware series. Just to appear in one of the microgames. Those games are so crazy, I'd be guaranteed to be doing something rediculous and stupid, so count me in.

Right thats it, I'm off to make me a sammich. All the best.